• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

Thanks to all the good information on this site, my plan is below:
  • Hot Peppers started three weeks ago (03Mar2012) in 72 cell domed tray: Standard Orange Habanero, Bishop's Cap, Chocolate Habanero (gift from my daughter, it is all her fault that I am having all this fun), Bhut Jolokia, Hot Cherry, Big Sun Habanero.
  • Planter's Pride seed starter mix.
  • Heating mat with temp controller. Set to 85F with probe inserted into the soil of a middle cell. Basement is 65F.
  • Styrofoam Insulation covered with mylar (emergency blanket).
  • Lights = 6500 32W T8 (now four bulbs total). I was about 2" above the seedlings. Now it looks closer to 4-5" depending on seedling height. Lights are on a timer 18hr on/ 6hr off.
  • Bottom watering with distilled water. I started using 1/2 strength of Miracle Grow Quick Start.
  • Fan on low setting just wiggles the plants a little bit. I started using it 3x per day for 1/2hr at a time.
  • Pro-Mix Ultimate Organic Mix for repotting into 3.5" square containers Red Solo Cups. I plant to repot when second set of full leaves are out (soon for standard orange habanero).
  • The plan is to plant after Memorial day in my dad's garden and I will take over one or more of my wife's flower gardens (with her permission of course).

Hot Pepper Grow Setup1 by bigfan1403, on Flickr

Germination Sucess Rate after three weeks:

Cherry 9 of 9
Bishop's Cap 12 of 12
Orange Habanero 9 of 9
Chocolate Habanero 8 of 12
Bhut Jolokia 9 of 15
Big Sun Habanero 5 of 9

Looks like all that are going to germinate have popped. i have not seen any new seedlings in 4-5 days.

I mistakenly had my lights on 24 hours each day instead of 18-6. My wife reads late into the evenings and noticed that the lights never shut off per the timer. I discovered that only half of my outlets were controlled by the timer. This may explain why the ghost pepper seedlings (none of the others) were getting purplish leaves.

Ghost Pepper with Purple Leaves by bigfan1403, on Flickr

I transplanted some of my seedlings (those with two sets of leaves) this weekend to 18oz. Red Solo cups. I mixed in about 1/2 teaspoon of bonemeal for each plant. I think that after 24 hours the leaves look much larger.

Hot Pepper Seedlings after transplanting by bigfan1403, on Flickr

remaining seedlings will be transplanted next weekend:

Hot Pepper Seedlings at 3 weeks by bigfan1403, on Flickr

Here is a picture of my light setup now:

Hot Pepper Seedlings Transplanted to Red Solo Cups by bigfan1403, on Flickr
4 Week Update:

9 Standard Orange Habaneros - getting big. I have used these as my test samples for each step of the way. That way if something goes bad, no big loss.
9 Chocolate Habaneros
9 Bishop's Cap
9 Bhut Jolokia
8 Cherry
4 Big Sun Habanero

I finished potting up all my seedlings today. There are now 48 plants. Down from 54 seedlings (culled 4 that never grew leaves). So far this is a 70% success rate from the 68 seeds that were started.

Hot Pepper Plants at 4 Weeks by bigfan1403, on Flickr

Hot Pepper Plants at 4 Weeks by bigfan1403, on Flickr

I could have culled a couple of other runts, but they were Big Sun Habaneros and only a few of them germinated. So I transferred them in hopes they kick in with the new conditions. Here is the smallest Big Sun Habanero next to my biggest Orange Habanero:

Big Sun Habanero by bigfan1403, on Flickr

I am starting to see new growth forming at the junction of the leaves to the stems.

Habanero by bigfan1403, on Flickr
Excellent start fizz! You obviously did your homework,
and should have some great plants this summer.
Good luck carrying on!
Paul, Thanks for the encouragement. I am having loads of fun and started preparing the planting beds yesterday.
Week 8 Update:

I was away on business trip and returned to find the plants were crowding each other under the lights in the basement. So I moved the largest of them upstairs. Also noticed a few plants had curled leaves and white bumps under the leaves. Researching this site I learned it is probably endema (too much water). Probably from a heavy watering I did just before leaving.

IMG_0192 by bigfan1403, on Flickr

The remaining plants downstairs in the basement are mostly the Chocolate Habaneros, Ghost Peppers, and Big Sun Habaneros. They are growing, but not at the same rate as the Orange Habanero, Cherry, and Bishop's Cap. I have learned that some peppers need to be started earlier than others.

Hot Pepper Plants at 8 weeks by bigfan1403, on Flickr

Before and After Pictures of one of my garden spots. It was reclaimed from the day lillies. I cleared it two weeks ago, then spaded it twice today. I also added manure and compost before the last spading.


Garden Area Before Prep by bigfan1403, on Flickr

After (Ready for Planting on Labor Day):

Garden Area After Prep by bigfan1403, on Flickr
Great start Fizz...You cold climate growers have to time everything just right, and it looks like you've done just that! Did you get any of those orange hab blooms to set fruit indoors?
Hi stc3248

I posted a question on the Orange Habaneros and others have confirmed they are not. It appears they are some kind of annum, so Burpee must have had a quality control problem. The blossoms did turn to fruit indoors.

Thanks for looking at my grow log. This is my first year and will adjust the timing as necessary next year.
Hey looks good man, them things are aching for a transplant. Once you get them potted up or in the ground they should take right off! Wonderful job!
Doing great, Fizz! the plants appear to be hardening off nicely.
It will be great to see them in the ground in that nice new garden
bed! Good work, bro - keep it goin'!
Jamison and Paul G, Thanks for the feedback. I will be planting this coming holiday weekend. My dad has learned the hard way to not plant too early here in Michigan.
Yeah, planting day! Seeds started 12 weeks ago:

My main hot pepper garden:

Hot Peppers Planted 26May2012 by bigfan1403, on Flickr

My secondary hot pepper garden:

Hot Peppers Planted 26May2012 by bigfan1403, on Flickr

Here is pictures of my peppers now planted in my dad's garden (he has the best soil after 30 years of composting):

Hot Peppers planted 26May2012 by bigfan1403, on Flickr

Hot Peppers planted 26May2012 by bigfan1403, on Flickr

and he also has about thirty tomato plants (many types) that his neighbor Frank started from seed:

Tomato's Planted 26May2012 by bigfan1403, on Flickr