Search results

  1. AzoreanRuister

    PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa

    Hello Lourens, Great updates! I needed that bit of inspiration to keep up with my own chilies! hehe All the seeds I got from you popped up already! I planted 3 of each variety, and only one of the Mozambique Peri Peri was to shy to pop up through the dirt. Lost one of the Fatalis as it...
  2. AzoreanRuister

    PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa

    We need more updates and pics!! Updates and PICS!!!!!! Why do you torture us so?
  3. AzoreanRuister

    favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

    I am growing out Chacoense "Most Prolific" from Pepperlover. Really small and delicate leaves. I have no idea what the pods taste like or their heat level, but looking forward to experimenting. Anyone grow this out before? I think I will keep one of them indoors and see how it does.
  4. AzoreanRuister

    annuum Hot C.annuum varieties

    Is goats weed one and the same as the Vietnamese tear jerker?
  5. AzoreanRuister

    Interesting things

    I am actually trying the cloning with honey experiment. Not with peppers, but a few clippings of some cane roses I want to propagate more in my yard, and an apple tree clipping (I never thought you could, but apparently, you can... though the proof will be in the pudding). The rose clippings...
  6. AzoreanRuister

    Is there a place here to "save" the glogs yawanna follow?

    Not to hijack this thread, but didn't want to make a new thread to clutter up this forum: Is there a way to search for glogs for people in a certain area? For instance, I am still a bit 'green' to growing peppers, and thought I could learn a lot from growers around my area (or in the same...
  7. AzoreanRuister

    PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa

    Is their another parcel of land available next to where you are growing? Maybe it is time to pack up and move there. Hot weather, hot peppers and monkeys to play with!! Yippee!!
  8. AzoreanRuister

    seeds Starting seeds in things other than trays

    I actually use styrofoam egg containers. I plant one seed in every cell and keep checking it every day or two for sprouts. I don't use a heating mat either - I just place the containers on top of my fridge. Seems to be working really well, as I get around 90% germination (except I am zero %...
  9. AzoreanRuister

    Safest Way To Exterminate These?

    As per a suggestion above by Vegas Chili, has anyone tried Sundew plants? I wonder if they would work better than sticky paper. I don't think a Venus Fly Trap would work - I think the hairs are not sensitive enough for the majority of gnats, with the possible exception of the largest ones...
  10. AzoreanRuister

    What am I going to do with all these plants?

    At the very least, you have lots of room for error if you end up burning a batch while smoking, or being overly-creative and making a terrible sauce. If you have lots of extra, might as well try a wide variety of things and see how it turns out! Hopefully you will have enough room to grow them...
  11. AzoreanRuister

    Safest Way To Exterminate These?

    I had a hell of a time with these things last year. This year, I used all new equipment - cups, soil,and anything at all, just in case there would be some viable eggs attached somewhere. Well, they came back anyways - had to be the soil I bought. Anyways, I keep a small computer case fan in...
  12. AzoreanRuister

    Bhut Jolokia Purple Question

    Thanks for the answers guys! Interesting that some seedlings come up purple, and others green. I will grow them all out anyways, so I will compare if they are any different when it comes to pods. Sounds like it is just 'normal' though! Thanks again!
  13. AzoreanRuister

    Bhut Jolokia Purple Question

    I ordered seeds from PepperLover this year (and they were great so far!), and as part of my order I received some Bhut Jolokia Purple seeds as a gift. I decided to germinate some. I threw 4 in, and 3 successfully germinated. One of the seedlings looks different from the others. I searched...
  14. AzoreanRuister

    PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa

    I wonder if you can find this brand near your place: This is fairly typical tasting, though I find home-brews always much better. But these are non-cooked and fermented pepper pastes with only salt added. Something to try. I am...
  15. AzoreanRuister

    PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa

    They boil the peppers first? i don't think I have tried that yet. I just wash them, grind them up and let them ferment. No cooking at all. I find that the pepper's taste really comes through nicely, and I am looking forward to trying some different varieties in this way. Plus, for some...
  16. AzoreanRuister

    PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa

    Awesome grow PeriPeri! I read that you were inquiring on the different types of Peri Peri peppers found throughout Africa. I didn't know there were different varieties (thanks for sharing that!). You are right - the peri peri did in fact come from South America. It is a very common pepper in...
  17. AzoreanRuister

    Mushroom in my solo cup

    I am using MG potting soil (noob!), and I just discovered some mushrooms in one cup. None of my other 50+ have it, and this one doesn't look very wet either - I tend to try and underwater, but I did just water them yesterday after they went dry right to the bottom.
  18. AzoreanRuister

    which new grow has you most excited

    Well, since this is my first year of superhots - EVERYTHING gets me excited! Particularly looking forward to the Brain Strains (both yellow and red) as well as the Brown Bhut (though still haven't germinated!! grr). Really looking forward to having real malagueta peppers finally so I can make...
  19. AzoreanRuister

    What varieties have defeated you?

    Only my Bhut Jolokia Brown has failed (so far) to germinate. Everything else has come up - Morugas, Naga Morich, Brain Strains (Y + R), 7 pot Jonah, 7 Pot Long, 7 Pot Primo.. just waiting and waiting and waiting for the Brown Bhuts. The seedlings for the Jonahs seem much more delicate than the...
  20. AzoreanRuister

    hybrid Breeding question

    Assuming: R = red color, R = dominant r = yellow color, r = recessive This will be true if the red parent is "Rr" A yellow pepper would have the gene makeup of "rr". A red pepper would then have the genotype "RR" or "Rr". You would only see yellow in the F1 generation if crossing an Rr x Rr...