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  1. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Yo yo yo perthanites I'm back :) Jungle rain good gear good service
  2. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Hi ppl thought I'd poke my head in :) the grubs stole my passion !!! Chris look good but to little to late you will need heat and lights , weather has gone to crook ill post some picks of the 8 footers I choped , coming back but meh lol :beer:
  3. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Hey ppl given away over half me stock and stumped what woz left , a week later and boom new shoots galore hopefully won't get the grub :)
  4. Blue Flames

    Weak-hot and thin-walled Bhut Jolokia

    Agree with all above , hab
  5. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Give me a "p" Give me a "e" Ah sod it give me a :beer: Lol rock on Ok stumped 20 plants and gave loads away to many close together appears to promote problem ie the GRUBS!!!!
  6. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Had many chats with green life but they changed the mix and even they admit the change has made issues for chilli plants, still good soil My reaper all grubbed out still no seeds off it
  7. Blue Flames


    Love ur barra's , lol who cares how u spell it , it's sick ;)
  8. Blue Flames

    Lime Green leaves

    If they r small add bugger all , check ur soil with a ph test, but failing that let them be :) Plants under lights won't be dark green due to photosynthesis I.e sun light And sum of my best 8ft plants looked yellow and have the best pod production
  9. Blue Flames

    show-off Pics of your apartment balcony/indoor setup?

    M8 that's how I started mine in that little green house but I ran fluros through and add a few planks for max space it blew out to around 250 plants lol It's only small if u can't dream BIG!!! Good luck guys as my season is rounding up but I'm DREAMING of next season already :) Oh and my next...
  10. Blue Flames

    Megamoo's 2012/2013 Glog

    Mr moo any pics of the poddage?
  11. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Lol ur eatin bug poo 2 :)
  12. Blue Flames

    JungleRain 2012_2013 Hot Chilli Season

    Or maybe he has joined the chilli elite breeding sshots (super super) and is in an under ground bunker plotting world domination with genetic modified super strains that mutate and make ur eyes bleed (bums a given I've eaten grants gear fark in hot ) and a strange puss is emitted from ur ears...
  13. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Why I've lost the love The pods look perfect and bam this!!!!!! Starting to wonder how many grubs I've eaten munching full pods :cry:
  14. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    So cold cud be an early end for all wtf up with the weather ??,
  15. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    A few that didn't go to the tip
  16. Blue Flames

    Pulling the pin :(

    Pulling the pin :(
  17. Blue Flames

    DocNrock's 2013 Glog - 7/11/13

    Hey m8 have u tried those bags yet? The only prob I've found with them is they break down quick and if you try move them the bottom blows out lol, but they work well as don't heat up
  18. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Still luv that setup , does it prevent ants getting in as I seem to have a ant farm in each pot which seem to be stuffing up the roots Well I've decided to start winding down my season , I know I know it's early but due to bugs and the mess it's making and lack of pods I can use its finally...
  19. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Up got up and took bolt cutters to 30 plants all just stumps now, anyone else getting major leaf drop? . Have to feel sorry for the guy at the tip that mulches them lol :fire:
  20. Blue Flames

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Well to the naked eye they r fine but its when u cut them open its issues, next year I have a plan as its my first season have now developed a few ideas, just can't bring myself to go chemical ! And prevention is better than cure. Next year less plants and bigger yield , at the mo morugas...