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  1. FireEater101

    Almost time for tabasco sauce making.

    Looks great and love the oak cubes idea. I’ve got a ferment going from last week of Tabasco peppers, sweet peppers and salt brine. Look forward to seeing yours turn out.
  2. FireEater101

    Thought you all might enjoy the Coyote Zan White and Pear sauce I made.

    Great color and sauce sounds delicious. Well done!!
  3. FireEater101

    JJJ Glog summary

    Great update JJ!! Love the plants you got in post 235!! Looking great!! Love the sloped garden area you got too, Very nice you got lots of space!! Hope things continue to progress well for you!!
  4. FireEater101

    The official TOMATO thread

    Started three type of tomatoes today.  Never grown either of them so I figured I would give em a try:   Gardener's Delight   Mortgage Lifter Jet Start Hybrid   Hope everyone has a good grow this year!
  5. FireEater101

    FireEater101 2014 Garden Glog

        Thanks!! Oh I can relate to your situation the only places here that I can call my own are the garage and my back yard and yes I get to cut the grass too!! Everywhere else here belongs to my wife and 2 kids.  The backyard has served me well for maintaining the garden and as you can see full...
  6. FireEater101

    FireEater101 2014 Garden Glog

      Peter, Thanks! They are coming along nicely so far I believe.  The soil mix I am using is ProMix BX with Myco.  I bought one of those big 3.8 cuft bags last year and am using the same bag again this year too.  I think its good soil.  Can be pricey but it is very easy to work with too.  
  7. FireEater101

    FireEater101 2014 Garden Glog

    POT UP TIME!!! I spent a few hours yesterday potting up all of my sprouts from my seed tray to cups and getting them under the lights.  Got the number of plants that I planned except only 1 7 Pot and 1 Trinidad Scorpion after 20 days in the tray.  I am going to keep what I planted of those two...
  8. FireEater101

    Guru's Garden - Traveling the World in Search of Peppers

      When I have transferred the seedlings from my seed tray to Solo Cups and put under my lights I have used ProMix BX with Myco.  Used it last year and again this year...good soil in my opinion.  
  9. FireEater101

    Peter's 2014 Grow Log

        I have seen those around here too.  I am no expert but I do believe that is a stink bug.  I can't remember them ever causing me problems in past seasons but I read they do like to eat and can damage peppers.  Of course best to remove him like you did.  I hope you don't see anymore anytime soon!!
  10. FireEater101

    FireEater101 2014 Garden Glog

    Day 14 in the seed tray and my Trinidad Scorpion has finally gotten its first hook.  Looking to get another 4-5 hooks for the garden.  The Fatali and CR Habs have hooked in the past few days too.  I am impressed my Ghost Peppers I got 7/8 seeds to hook.  Gotta love it saved seeds from last year...
  11. FireEater101

    Baby scorpions popping up..

    Looks good.  I am at 14 days today and still waiting for my first TS to sprout.  That is the only pepper here that I have not seen any hooks.  Last year was my first year growing TS and I really liked them a lot.  Definitely hot.  Hope these turn out great for you!!   Mike
  12. FireEater101

    Let the transplanting begin!

    Wow great looking plants and excellent setup!  Your pepper list looks real good.  I can relate to the wife perspective mine doesn't like anything about chili peppers even though she knows I am addicted!  Best of luck over there to you!!
  13. FireEater101

    Solem 2014

    Hello there fellow Carolinian!! Just wanted to say hello and tell you your plants look really good.  Just got started over here about two weeks ago but this recent winter weather definitely has me with gardening on my mind.  Hope you have a great season this year!!   Mike
  14. FireEater101

    Planting directly into the yard (no tilling)??

    Last year I decided to turn a 20x20 ft plot of my bermuda grass backyard into more of my garden.  The other part was raised beds.  I chopped out the grass, roto tilled the entire area several times and come April planted many tomato, green pepper, beans, and pea plants.  It really did not take...
  15. FireEater101

    Bakers Growlog 2013-2014

    Nice plants you got there!! I grew Yellow Fatali last year and will this year again too.  Awesome plant with lots of peppers throughout the year.  When do you plant out over there? Welcome to the forum and hope 2014 is a great year for you too!! 
  16. FireEater101

    FireEater101 2014 Garden Glog

    Thanks!! Happy to get the year started especially with this unwanted snow here. Great glog yourself too nice plants and excellent microbrew pic!!
  17. FireEater101

    Quick question

      I wanna say that I remember hearing that sometimes seeds from peppers that are dried like that don't germinate but as you can see your CR have sprouted.  The TS Moruga is a Cap Chinense and they take awhile longer to germinate.  I would say it could take up to 30 days until you see them...
  18. FireEater101


    Holy Capsicum Chinense!! You got a ton of seedlings but seeing the plot you have good gracious that is a ton of space.  Great plot of land you got there!! Great forum name too, very cool!! I like the cup setup you got going on.  Welcome to 2014 hope it is blazing hot for you!! The peppers that is!! 
  19. FireEater101

    Quick question

    So if I understand you correctly.  You got some TS Moruga seeds from a vendor and intend to use the peppers in future food preps?  I would believe unless the seeds were subjected to really high temps they would be fine and germinate.  The seeds are normally dried after they are harvested from a...
  20. FireEater101

    FireEater101 2014 Garden Glog

    Hello and welcome to my second year of seed starting and having a glog.  My name is Mike and I love chili peppers.     As for 2013 here is a link to my glog on here As you can see last year was a very busy and almost overwhelming year...