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  1. Z

    Another question for plant problems

    Thank you very much. I will try the oil and soap again. Whitefly population have grown tremendously these past few weeks. Ive tried neem insecticide doesnt seem to be working. I do see some fuzzy stuff before like the last picture u posted. In between the main vein of the plant. How often do i...
  2. Z

    Another question for plant problems

    I'm really stumped with this. Tried hydrogen peroxide mixed 1:10. Not sure if its pest fungus or bacteria. New leaf growth is small. Even fruits that have some brown shade wont grow i'll take a picture of that next time Curious thing the spot where the whiteflys are the color seems to be...
  3. Z

    Another question for plant problems

    Hi i'm having these problems on my plants lately underside of leaves are turning brown. Seems like something covering it. A little bit coppery in color. I was wondering what it is. affected leaves are a little wrinkly. And new growth is very small and curled I was thinking of fungus or...
  4. Z

    no name

    Looks totally evil. Lots of oil too. Ive read somewhere is instead of seed it forms a pepper (rogue seeds) or whatever. I couldnt find the original article i've seens heres another tho
  5. Z

    Whats this?

    Thanks thats what i thought it isnt a bhut was wondering if it could some other type of super hot from the bumpy skin. And it sure is taking its time turning red.... so i can try a little to see. more than a month now i forgot when it formed that little pod to this. now it stopped flowering most...
  6. Z

    Whats this?

    Any help would be appreciated.. :)
  7. Z

    Whats this?

    Hi again. New to growing super hots this is my first one I bought some bhut seeds here in the philippines dont know what it is though its not very big around 1.5 to 2 inches long light green color as of now been a month or so from buds to this chili. still green. wonder if this is really a bhut...
  8. Z

    Plant Problems

    Yeah I Just read it from the net. Seems like it. Will kill everything. Probably not going to use this. Thanks
  9. Z

    Plant Problems

    Well its made from bayer. Its (Bayer Sevin wp85 850g/kg carbaryl. Ok thanks for the warning i'll wait to exhaust all other means. Well so far the most effective thing i found out is just cutting all the leaves. But its a while before they grow back and i lose a lot of time and i guess they dont...
  10. Z

    Plant Problems

    Othank you very much. Only problem is I can't find any neem oil here. I see lots of neem lotion though :). I bought some miticide I hope that will work. Oh and those dust are actually lighter spots of the leaves. Could be aphid / broad mite damage? I hate broad mites at least aphids I can see...
  11. Z

    Plant Problems

    Yes. Mostly whiteflys. And some aphids. Not sure about other pests though
  12. Z

    Plant Problems

    Hi was wondering if you could solve my prolems.. Well chili problems :) here is a picture of an f1 chili alot of our chilli get this kind of leaves gets smaller and wrinkled in the top. some of my birds eye pepper does this too usually worse i'll take a picture of those if they are still around...
  13. Z

    Greetings from the Philippines

    Thanks for the welcome guys!. It does rain here pretty often. i bought some locally produced bhut and trinidad scorpions. But not sure on the purity. Only 1 bhut plant is starting to form peppers the rest are dropping flowers. Not sure why.. Could be too much water from the rain recently. Or...
  14. Z

    Greetings from the Philippines

    Been visiting this site for a few days now. I found alot of useful information here. Thanks alot! Hi again from the Philippines :)