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Plant Problems

Hi was wondering if you could solve my prolems.. Well chili problems :)

here is a picture of an f1 chili alot of our chilli get this kind of leaves gets smaller and wrinkled in the top. some of my birds eye pepper does this too usually worse i'll take a picture of those if they are still around

here is another a 7 pot pepper

could this be calcium deficiency?

this is my first time growing super hots. Been growing regular chili's but the seem to be getting these
wrinkled leaves very often on new growth then become stunted

been spraying oil with soap for a while now or just crushing aphids and whitefly's
Yes. Mostly whiteflys. And some aphids. Not sure about other pests though

My hab's look ALOT like your last picture there. Whiteflies were killing me as well. A couple of doses of Neem's oil and they are done but now I'm having a hard time to get them to bounce back. Sorry I know that doesn't help just expressing my sympathy.
The first pic looks like broad mite to me. And the dusty stuff on the leaves looks suspiciously like the actual broad mite themselves. (Of course, it could just be "dust" of some kind too.... ;))

However, the second pic does look more like whitefly and/or aphid damage.

These are just observations from my own (limited) experiences. If you are seeing pests though, I would definitely consider them suspect number one at this point.
Othank you very much. Only problem is I can't find any neem oil here. I see lots of neem lotion though :). I bought some miticide I hope that will work.

Oh and those dust are actually lighter spots of the leaves. Could be aphid / broad mite damage? I hate broad mites at least aphids I can see them and squish them. Or spray them with white oil.
What kind of miticide did you get? I wouldn't be so quick to go for any chemicals (or anything that works by poisoning the little buggers for that matter)--especially if the presence of mite is not confirmed! It requires more effort but exhaust all natural and safe options first (excluding anything that works by poisoning). Believe me when I say, chemicals will only make the mites stronger in the sooner-than-you-think future. They grow resistance like you wouldn't believe!

If the spots are not "dust" and are "part of the leaf" (bite marks?), I would say I'm most probably wrong about it being broad mite and would look more to aphid/whitefly.

What oil and what soap are you using? And how often are you treating? Be careful not to go overboard on stuff like that either as it can damage your plants also.

There are other causes of weird and stunted growth too (phytoxicity from chemicals, herbacides, trace metals in the soil, etc, and deficienies, etc) but I reckon eliminate them bugs first and go from there.
Well its made from bayer. Its (Bayer Sevin wp85 850g/kg carbaryl.

Ok thanks for the warning i'll wait to exhaust all other means. Well so far the most effective thing i found out is just cutting all the leaves. But its a while before they grow back and i lose a lot of time and i guess they dont flower during that time. I have some small habs that developed those wrinkly mite like damage cut all the leaves now 3 weeks later small 1/4" to 1 inch leaves on it but no sign of the wrinkled leaf yet.

Well i took out some of those leaves that are wrinkly on the 7 pots. the image is kinda blurry had to crop it my phone camera doesnt do macro shots


not sure what these are its some furry stuff near the main vein of the leaf

I'll try to borrow a digicam so i can get a better pic of it.
Doesn't look nice at all. Really hope you get it sorted!

Carbaryl (Sevin) is a chemical and will kill beneficial insects too. (Not that I can talk as I've used worse in the past).