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    Akybra Glogs

    Thanks a lot guys! Can't wait to see the Krishna out and the Uba Tuba a bit higher! Yes it's in UK, in the North, and with the lovely sun finally here those last days, we have a nice red chili now! Yeah! And I'm the "She" growing the pepper for the "He" eating them. (I'm trying to adapt slowly...
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    Hello all from China

    Hello from UK Welcome :)
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    Hi from cold sweden! -First Sprouts-

    Hello and Welcome here :)
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    Akybra Glogs

    Well sorry for the double post but... We have our first chilis and a beautiful purple flower on our Krishna Jolokia so I wanted to share! So here we go, the garden changed quite a lot so now 2 walk in green houses are sitting there instead of one! Otherwise the other green...
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    Hi from Leeds, England

    Hello from Rotherham! :welcome:
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    Punn's Newbie GLOG

    Bacon Beer Jam? I must try that! Really nice plants! I really love your Rainbow peppers the colors are fantastic!
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    Cayennemist's Glog 2012... THE PODS ARE COMING!

    Looking really good! Really healthy! Well done:!
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    Akybra Glogs

    Hello guys, I thought I will show some pictures even if nothing there is really impressive, it's just a start for us, it's been going on since one or 2 month and... I think we did a little too much chillies... Right now I am growing: - Habaneros - Cayenne - Thaï chillis - Chiltepin -...
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    Hello from Holland

    :welcome: from UK I was living not far from you couple of month ago (Eindhoven) What chillies are you growing so far?
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    Hi from the Midlands U.K.

    Hi! Yeah your plants are great! Good job!
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    Hello from a novice

    Sunny Grantham? Is it as sunny as in here? XD This month is so so terrible I almost don't dare having my chillies in the green house outside! Damn bad weather!
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    Hello from a novice

    Thanks all! Now I'm wondering if coming here was such a good idea! I can't stop reading and I want to grow more, more! :dance: So we gonna try to build an hydroponic project with an aquarium, big project. I'm also wondering what seeds I should try next, any great hot and mild chillis you would...
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    If you are a noob, and you know it, raise your hand!

    Noob here too! Just started a month or 2 ago and now I can't stop. Problem with chillis: making a choice in what to grow! Anyway, this forum is great, thanks to you guys I'm starting a hydroponic project!
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    first time hydro grow

    Wouah really nice ! Thanks, exactly like ColoradoRonin, post like yours make me want to start that kind of project! Congrats! Show us more pics!
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    Hello from a novice

    Hello all! I thought I will introduce myself and join this nice community. I am Marie-Carmen, a French (well Spanish too) lady that lives in England. Let's be honest: I am not the biggest fan of chilli. My body is not tough enough to handle them. But I live with a big fan of chilli The...