• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cayennemist's Glog 2012... THE PODS ARE COMING!

Hey guys,
I just started growing chilies, and I love it!I been growing veggies for a few years, but I wanted to up the ante.
So I picked up a Hab at the Local Armstrong Nursery a few weeks ago (Mid April 2012).When I got home,
I decided to look in to it further and find out what else is :hot:

Here is my *Out Dated List, will be Updated soon*

Brain Strain -never germinated
Brown Devil's Tongue
Dorset Naga
Bombay Morich
B.B. Dauglah
Choc Hab
Choc x Red Hab
Orange Hab -seeds from store bought pod 20+ seedlings for experimentation.
White 7 pod - dead
Butch T
T. Scorp Red
Choc. Bhut x Yellow 7
Yellow Bhut -never germinated
Red Bhut -never germinated

Less Hots:
Numex H. 6-4 -Growing loads and giving away to family
Goat -never germinated, but I got more seeds
Billy Goat - 100% Germination, Dr. Cres has good seeds
Jalapeno -8+ plants for experimentation purposes.
Chile Verde
NuMex #6
Shisito -never germed
H. Yellow Wax
Mexican Banana
Wiri Wiri
Black Pearl
Black Prince
Explosice Ember
LG Cherry
Red Bell
Green Bell
Rainbow Bell
Cal Wonder Bell
"sweet peppers" -HomeDepot

After a few YouTube vids I discovered Bhuts, then dug deeper and found a plethora of varieties I had never herd of. About mid April 2012, I Joined THP to get some info, when I was BOMBARDED with Hospitality. I was given seeds and even a few seedlings.

Thanks to:

Dr. Cres

I now have somewhere around 20-30 Strains in all stages.

I have a nice little home made 100$ greenhouse that is already the home of a bunch of Veggies. Why not some Peppers?

Well enough ranting, here's SOME of what I got crackn'

Purple Bhut

The Bonsai Black Pearl... Bom Bom Bommmmm!

The Choc. Bhut x Yellow 7 pot

The Fatalii

The Cayenne! Pruned the Praxxus55712 way http://www.youtube.c...er/Praxxus55712


If you see anything wrong please let me know. As you can tell I dont have a lot to show off. This Glog is more so I can get help and learn
I got a funny pepper spray story! On my way to work one day I came across one of my Sailors with some dude kicking his car and yelling. I stayed in my truck and yelled for him to chill out. He ran across the street and stuck his head in my window, I already had the can in my hand...he said. "What are you some kind of bada$$? Is that mace, I eat mace for breakfast!" I said..."this ain't mace!" and gave him a face full, point blank. Funny reaction occurred involving him in the fetal position . He didn't want any more for breakfast for sure. We have to get sprayed with the stuff annually to stay qualified. Don't understand??? I don't have to get shot with my weapon to stay qualified???
I got a funny pepper spray story! On my way to work one day I came across one of my Sailors with some dude kicking his car and yelling. I stayed in my truck and yelled for him to chill out. He ran across the street and stuck his head in my window, I already had the can in my hand...he said. "What are you some kind of bada$$? Is that mace, I eat mace for breakfast!" I said..."this ain't mace!" and gave him a face full, point blank. Funny reaction occurred involving him in the fetal position . He didn't want any more for breakfast for sure. We have to get sprayed with the stuff annually to stay qualified. Don't understand??? I don't have to get shot with my weapon to stay qualified???

Lol Nice.
You know, every time a tough guy cries, a fairy gets its wings. BHAHAHA!
I would have payed to see that.

My first encounter with Pepper Spray, I was 12ish. My aunt had one on her key chain, it was the 90s and that was sorta popular I guess.
Well She left me in her car while she ran in to the store :onfire: Not a good Idea.
Lesson learned! When playing with Pepper Spray, it's best to do so in a well ventilated place :shocked:

Hey guys sorry I have been working on the worm guide and looking for a job, so I haven't had time to put anything on here for a few days.​
That means I got a lot to show.​

Lets start up stairs...

sweet and savory coming along well.​

Here you go Rich!!! Pics of the NuMexes​

These are the Hab Test Monkeys, I have been thinning them out. I had over 30 lol​

These are the Kelp Experiment Jala's, so far Kelp is loosing, but they started smaller soo ?!?!​

A few late bloomers (saw's tepin) HAHAHA <3​

Ahh.. This is my Special little Devils Tongue. When I say Special, I mean... "Not all there"​
This plant lost all its leaves except one little new leaf spike... The Little Devil that could for sure!​

Some Tomatoes I'm gonna sell to pay for soil and such.​

Now lets go outside for some of the graduates

This was saposed to be a Jala... Ummm I think I messed up some where lol​
I'm thinking its one of three options: Red Bhut, Yellow Bhut, or BrainStrain. To me it looks more like a baby Bhut.​
Either way None of those germed for me so this plant is exciting for me.​

Recent Grads​
I'll name them later.​

Up next, the bigger boys.​
Lookin good! You got a ton of late starts! Going to be fun to watch your grow, will be like pushing the rewind button on mine! I have a bunch I really wanna start, but am going to hold off till next year. I have seeds for all those no-germs you listed so let me know if need any.
Thanks Shane!​
I was waiting for some one to post, as It wouldn't let me make a new one.​
Yeah those are all my late starts, they will be in the green house this winter.​

But here are the bigger boys​
Not so black Pearl, Choc Bhut x Y7, Purple Bhut, Fatalli​
the solo's are some Numex that looked a little yellow so they are getting some better sun.​

Red Bell, Green Bell, Jalapeno​
All sharing some soil with Radishes.​

Clearly my "Black Pearl" isn't very pure, if its a pearl at all...​

The bhut hybrid is budding up nicely​

Same with the Purple Bhut​

My nice little LTSed Fatalii, bushy as can be!​

Cayenne is looking good, also budding up.​

The Jalapeno with his radish friends. Got his first blossom​

Lol Still more pics coming​
Shane I really like these Explosive Ember!​
Cool plants, nice to look at.​
The Pigment is wild! reminds me of a young purple bhut.​

Well Here are the "Teens"​
All in 1Gal. pots. Please excuse the Vigoro pots they where free lol​

Nice little Butch T​

Dorset Naga​

This is a cool little Cross I got from Spongey600. RedxChoc Habanero​

Bombay Morich with a special needs leaf, otherwise looks good.​

You can see the tape :P even if it is spelled wrong​

This Billy Boy Douglah looks healthy​

This guy had some issues, but we got it under control now, you will see in a week he will be fine.​

Bonus shot​
Purple Beans! Thanks Shane the kids are loving these.​
Aight I'll give you another bump!

Those purple beans are a trip...they turn dark green when you cook them, so the kids should get a kick out of that as well! Looking really good! Keep the updates coming!

Hey guys sorry I have been working on the worm guide and looking for a job, so I haven't had time to put anything on here for a few days.​
That means I got a lot to show.​

Lets start up stairs...

sweet and savory coming along well.​

Here you go Rich!!! Pics of the NuMexes​

These are the Hab Test Monkeys, I have been thinning them out. I had over 30 lol​

These are the Kelp Experiment Jala's, so far Kelp is loosing, but they started smaller soo ?!?!​

A few late bloomers (saw's tepin) HAHAHA <3​

Ahh.. This is my Special little Devils Tongue. When I say Special, I mean... "Not all there"​
This plant lost all its leaves except one little new leaf spike... The Little Devil that could for sure!​

Some Tomatoes I'm gonna sell to pay for soil and such.​

Now lets go outside for some of the graduates

This was saposed to be a Jala... Ummm I think I messed up some where lol​
I'm thinking its one of three options: Red Bhut, Yellow Bhut, or BrainStrain. To me it looks more like a baby Bhut.​
Either way None of those germed for me so this plant is exciting for me.​

Recent Grads​
I'll name them later.​

Up next, the bigger boys.​
Naw Tepins by nature and design require more time or to be shot out of a bird's ass with hot kernel softening liquid..known as "Bird Shit" hehe glad they peeped their lil heads up!!!!!!!!
Lovin all the late starts and variety!
You know your a chilehead when you start seeds at any time of year :)
I just started some of the varieties that I didn't germ back in January.
I mean what was I supposed to do.. let em sit in the fridge til next year? lol.

Btw, I loved the worm bin post! Very detailed and informational.
I was making my own homemade worm bin the day I stumbled onto that post, good stuff.
Hope the rest of the year treats you well.

Lovin all the late starts and variety!
You know your a chilehead when you start seeds at any time of year :)
I just started some of the varieties that I didn't germ back in January.
I mean what was I supposed to do.. let em sit in the fridge til next year? lol.

Btw, I loved the worm bin post! Very detailed and informational.
I was making my own homemade worm bin the day I stumbled onto that post, good stuff.
Hope the rest of the year treats you well.


Yeah I got a nice climate for it here in San Diego. I've lived hear about 8 years I have seen it freeze maybe 3 times. With the additional help of my greenhouse, I'm hoping to get some Christmas pods! :think:

3 of the 4 walls are 6ft stucco cinder block walls. I think it will hold heat with a little modification. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Flowers and Pods

This Tea stuff Sure is making my plants look happy.​

Red Bell​

Black Pearl Crossed with ???​

Miss. Fatalii seems almost twice as big as last week.​

Choc. Bhut X Yellow 7 Enjoying the San Diego Sun​

The Queen of my plants, Purple Bhut​

The Teens​

And a new addition to the family, thank you to Eric!​
Black Pearl v2.0​
I know she has some issues, but we will see what a little Tea does for her.​
Dog Days of Summer!

Nice and hot out today. The heat just makes you want to lay back and relax.

Hear in zone 10B we get some wild temp changes 59-100 in 12 hours :confused:

Anyone not used to it just weeps like crazy. Glad I'm home to come to the rescue.​

On a better note, I have some fun stuff to share.​

The Black Pearl v2.0 is coming along well after getting a good dose of Tea​
After Before​

And to end this little update here is my latest experiment,​
:!: Fusion Power :!:
I have NO idea what I am doing here, but this is how you learn right? haha​
Good luck with your pepper braids. Was a hot one today. Came home to some really Pissed off plants over here. Think its time to set the drip system to daily instead of every other day.