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  1. newbieGrower

    ID pepper from blossoms?

    I admit I considered trying it. :halo: I do wonder how it found it's way into my garden. I can't find any growning in the area so I suppose it did come in the seed packet? Or I guess a tripping bird might've pooped it out.
  2. newbieGrower

    ID pepper from blossoms?

    Ugh! Thanks for the quick reply. I started to lose hope when I couldn't find a single pepper plant with that type of blossom. Spot on ID. My plant is identical to the plant here;
  3. newbieGrower

    ID pepper from blossoms?

    I got a hot pepper seed packet with 5 varieties; Hungarian Wax, Anaheim Chili, Long Slim Red Cayenne, Ancho (Poblano) and Jalapeno M. Can anyone tell me which, if any, is in the pic below? This is my first garden and I'm concerned I'm letting a flowering weed take over my garden! The blossoms...