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  1. P

    chinense purple bhut.. for real..?

    Recently picked up a "purple ghost pepper plant.. the leaves have purp. Veins and tinged leaves.. is this a true strain..? Or something else marketed under the ghost label to qppeal to the name..?
  2. P

    morouga or butch-T

    So im looking for nice blocky walls with a non pointed tail and bumpy surface for the ts moruga The butch -t seems more squat and variable in tail and pod shape with a smoother surface and a bit smaller.. Any word on the comparison video rob.?
  3. P

    morouga or butch-T

    Ive got a plant that produces pods that look like something between the two.. maybe some cross.. is there anyplace you guys recommend for true ts moruga and red brain strain seed..?
  4. P

    Hello from Orlando.!

    I would just like to say hi and thanks for all the great info ive found a wealth of info here and will continue to do so. Great site and people.!
  5. P

    morouga or butch-T

    Sounds good.. i was gonna post a pic of my peppers for review but cant seem to do so via phone Sounds good.. i was gonna post a pic of my peppers for review but cant seem to do so via phone.. maybe need to pay version.?
  6. P

    morouga or butch-T

    Ive seen lots of variation in pod types cant figure it out.. your thoughts please..