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  1. B

    Trinidad Scorpions - slow growth

    ff   3 gallon pots are outside in NY 60% shade, 60 - 80 degree days, water when surface gets dry, outdoor plants did get overwatered by a rain once (tap otherwise). Cups are indoors in a window with 50% shade. All planted approx 35 days ago. No additional ferterlizer to what is included in the...
  2. B

    Trinidad Scorpions - slow growth

    I have several Scorpion plants that germinated and sprouted well, but have seemingly stopped growing with 2 sets of 1/2 in. leavers on them. I have some in 18 oz cups and some in 3 gal. pots. The soil is a mix of rapidgrow potting soil and sphagnum. Any ideas why the growth may have stopped?  ...