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  1. EZGrowing

    greenhouse Greenhouse Lighting

    Clear poly plastic sucks. Either regular sun or get greenhouse plastic. I use greenhouse poly and I can grow anything under it. Stellar growth. Competes well with my outdoor garden and extends the growing season on both ends by a month.
  2. EZGrowing

    greenhouse Growing 4 varieties in indoor greenhouse, any advice? :D

      Don't spray, use Ladybugs. They will totally destroy aphids. You need to watch out for ants though...They normally harvest the aphids so one must put some diatomatious earth around the base of each plant to keep the ants off and give the ladybugs a safe "working environment.
  3. EZGrowing

    overwintering Keeping a mature Ghost pepper indoor this winter.

    You can get "red" bulbs for that ballast as well. if you alternate blue and red you will get a healthier plant.
  4. EZGrowing

    greenhouse Small indoor greenhouse almost done!

    Are you planning on setting up some sort of ventilation? If not, I recommend getting a 4 inch computer fan and setting it up to pull air from the inside at the top. Then cut another 4 inch whole for an "intake" at the bottom corner opposite the corner you set your exhaust up. If the noise is too...
  5. EZGrowing

    rain rain rain rain more rain

    It started drying up in April in Southern California. We are headed towards a major drought.  I'm spending at least an hour every day watering around the house.  It started drying up in April in Southern California. We are headed towards a major drought.  I'm spending at least an hour every...
  6. EZGrowing

    lighting Indoor lighting

    If you want to get fruit off of the plants in winter then you are going to need either HPS (High Pressure Sodium) or MH (Metal Halide) light bulbs. You can find some of those kind of bulbs at a hardware store but you are better off ordering them from a hydroponics store since they will have...
  7. EZGrowing

    greenhouse Greenhouse polyethylene film

    Thanks for the responses guys. I ended up going with this stuff:   It's from GT plastics which seem to be if the THE leader, one of them, in the Greenhouse film world. I really liked AT films website...
  8. EZGrowing

    greenhouse Greenhouse polyethylene film

    Hello I'm about to put up a hoop house and I'm looking at greenhouse film to buy. I plan on putting up one sheet for now and then adding another when winter hits.  I am looking for the best manufacturer of polyethylene film that will give me the best ACTUAL condensation removal + IR blocking...
  9. EZGrowing

    EZG's pepper glog of 2013

    So I've been totally bombarded by PM's to update my glog so I will. (Jking :party:)  I am 99% sure that the brown marks on the leaves are sulfur burns since I sprayed CaSO4 on my plants two nights in a row. I think they had markings after the first spraying though so that is telling me my...
  10. EZGrowing

    EZG's pepper glog of 2013

    I have a new issue going on with a bunch of my peppers. Diagnostic help would be appreciated!!!  I think it might be sulfur toxicity since the Ca/Mg I make has a good amount of sulfur in it but again I'm not sure I am new at peppers and have never seen this before.     The discoloration is...
  11. EZGrowing


    I put in an order to a few days ago and I just received the seeds today. Probably 4-5 day wait which I consider good.  I ordered 10 diff varieties and I got 8 free packs on top of it. The coolest thing about the freebee's were that they compliment the seeds that I bought from...
  12. EZGrowing

    EZG's pepper glog of 2013

    I checked back in on them in the morning and they looked even worse than in the picture. I added 1/2 tsp of C with a wetting agent and sprayed the plants once the light was off. The peppers seem to have reverted back to their original state of screwedupness from last night. I will spray with C...
  13. EZGrowing

    Hello from California

        No idea but if you live in cali you might feel the same way haha. Especially if you are in NorCal. ;)  
  14. EZGrowing

    EZG's pepper glog of 2013

    Hello everyone. I gave a short introduction in the hello area so I'm just going to dive into pepper stuff now.    Peppers: Jalapeno Padron Serrano Bhut Jolokia Habenero   Soil: Promix   Light:  Florecents, MH, HPS   Nutrients: General Organics Base CalMag Down to earth bat guano (3-10-1)...
  15. EZGrowing

    Hello from California

    Hello everyone,   My name is John and I live in Southern/Central CA, roughly 150 miles north of Los Angeles. Growing conditions are pretty stellar here, hence my user name. Almost everything seems to grow well in CA somewhere haha. Now if we could only work on the people......     I recently...