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  1. Shockade

    Pay it forward style

    Sorry to bump an old, dead topic. I wanted to apologize to everyone who sent me seeds so long ago. Life has a crazy way of getting in the way and such, I was going through some of my archives and found a single picture from that year that might at least give some closure to this thread. The...
  2. Shockade

    Planning a mini grow area.

    I last minute decided to overwinter some plants. :) 
  3. Shockade

    Pay it forward style

    It will definitely be a learning experience. I'm prepared to go through a couple seeds in the learning process. 
  4. Shockade

    Pay it forward style

    I want weird ones. When i get some money i'm going to buy those C. galapagoense seeds. Since everyone has been so nice to me I'll send you the seeds anyway, Paying it forward. PM me :) 
  5. Shockade

    Pay it forward style

    As suggested, I will do my best to start a grow log on this site documenting date seeds go in the ground, day seeds sprout, date of first flower, date of first pod, size of flower, size of pod, size of leaf, etc etc. after you get decent harvest you hold an sasbe offer for said varieties.   I...
  6. Shockade

    Paypal sucks compared to Square

    Since my bank is states away, I use square to transfer myself money to that account from a local bank account haha. It's a hell of a lot faster transferring it on my own through my bank, cheaper too as the local bank charges 20 bucks for wires. 
  7. Shockade

    Pay it forward style

    Done. Thanks for looking. 
  8. Shockade

    Pay it forward style

    I have discovered a passion for growing, sharing, and teaching others what I know. I don't have much space, but i'm working quickly to remedy that, Once I find a job I want to get a small portable building to grow peppers in over the winter. I would love nothing more than to share my knowledge...
  9. Shockade

    Planning a mini grow area.

    I agree, but I'm currently unemployed, I can't justify spending 50 dollars when I already have plants producing. I'm in college, my parents are footing my bills, I don't want to make it any harder than it has to be on them. The job market is tight, and I get the "you're overqualified" when...
  10. Shockade

    Planning a mini grow area.

    So i've got approx 6x3x5 (LxwxH) and I want to grow some peppers during the winter. Even if I only get a few pods a week.    Here are the difficulties I am working with. I don't have very much power to spare, I am staying in a RV and the hookup is only 30 amps. (Honestly I probably only have 5...
  11. Shockade

    indoor DIY Grow Tent - not DIY anymore

    My experience is peppers don't mind the heat if they have plenty of water and air movement. Is your temperature measurement at the top of the box or down by the peppers? I hear 18/6 is good for lights. 
  12. Shockade

    Dreaming of my 2014 grow already :)

    Dreaming of my 2014 grow already :)
  13. Shockade

    Hello from Nw Arkansas!

    Thanks for the welcomes! I've got big dreams, I'd love to set up shop at a local farmers market next year, selling anything better than what you can get at the store. I plan on building a large greenhouse/shop during the winter after the house gets dried in. :) Some more pepper porn for you...
  14. Shockade

    Hello from Nw Arkansas!

    Hello everyone!    I found this site while I was searching for some lighting DIY's and thought what the heck, I'll join up. I've got a small greenhouse going, it's only a 6x12 and there are no kind of auto flaps or ventilation and such, I tried going for the kratky hydroponics method, I had...