Planning a mini grow area.

So i've got approx 6x3x5 (LxwxH) and I want to grow some peppers during the winter. Even if I only get a few pods a week. 
Here are the difficulties I am working with.
I don't have very much power to spare, I am staying in a RV and the hookup is only 30 amps. (Honestly I probably only have 5 amps to spare.
I have two t8 4' fluros and 32w 6500k 2600 lumen bulbs.
I have several CFL's that i can scrounge bulb holders and figure out some way to mount them. 
I'm thinking about converting some kind of ready made shelf system into a grow box, Think two plants per 4ft light would grow if I supplemented them with CFLs? 
So, If you got some suggestions or links... Post em up! 
5 amps at 110 volts is 550 watts. A 400 watt hps would be perfect for what you want and the heat will surly help in an rv. They aren't that well insulated.
For the price, one of the "buy x get x free" deals some vendors are offering now would give you way more pods at much less cost than you could grow in that space.
About $50 would give you a winters worth of heat-in-the-face.
If you want to aggressively trim and train, and carefully watch ferts and water, you should be able to get 4 pots in 4'. (2__  4 foot bulbs)
I have 3 __1.5 or 2 gallon pots, with 2 pepper plants each as a test project. Trimming and training makes them mature more slowly, but I have Bolivian Rainbow pods on one of the plants now.
Remember, pepper are s-l-o-w to mature.
If you planted a superhot in perfect outdoor conditions today, you wouldn't get pods till March or April.
My potted (not quite) bonchi's took 8 months for the first pod.
Your only hope for winter pods is to buy good sized plants, not sprouts or seedlings.
I agree, but I'm currently unemployed, I can't justify spending 50 dollars when I already have plants producing. I'm in college, my parents are footing my bills, I don't want to make it any harder than it has to be on them. The job market is tight, and I get the "you're overqualified" when trying to apply for fast food, I'll work anywhere, if they will hire me lol.  I am getting decent results with 2 2bulb t8's, sure it's not HPS quality but it's enough for me for now. 