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  1. TheLoveThief

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Spiral 69 - Please
  2. TheLoveThief

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?
  3. TheLoveThief

    Greetings from Tennessee

    Welcome!!  From Texas. :dance:
  4. TheLoveThief

    haha thanks man

    haha thanks man
  5. TheLoveThief

    new to growing pepper or anything for that matter.

    Just got my seeds today.  I'm excited haha.  I will go ahead and plant them tomorrow.  I hope everything turns out ok.  I'm really just worried someone will notice I'm growing them and steal my peppers lol.  Thanks for the advice man i appreciate it.
  6. TheLoveThief

    new to growing pepper or anything for that matter.

    Excellent info.  I hadn't read up on damping off so now I can be prepared if this happens.  I had heard about hardening off.  Is that usually a long process?  i read 1/2 hour to 1 2 3 4 then eventually over night 8 hours.
  7. TheLoveThief

    new to growing pepper or anything for that matter.

    Hello.  I just recently became fascinated with peppers.  I made my first purchase of pepper sees a few days ago.  I'm very interested in container gardening seeing is that i have little space and don't have a fenced in area where I live.  I hear peppers to well in containers.  I've been...