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  1. N

    Growing in the Pacific NorthWest Community GrowLog

    Here is a Devil Serrano on Dec 17 in Eugene. Peppers are still really nice. We have not got near as much rain as portland and north, but damn enough compared to last few years. Stokes says good field retention. Good call.
  2. N

    Growing in the Pacific NorthWest Community GrowLog

    20 gallon soft pot. Probably time to redo that next year, strip some soil and add some good stuff. Not really wishing a bigger container. Getting more difficult for these old bones to drag this stuff around anymore.
  3. N

    Growing in the Pacific NorthWest Community GrowLog

    This my 4 year old Chocolate Bhutlah. Cut it back hard a few weeks ago and put it in the greenhouse. Highly recommended. Deep tasting drying powder. These are very hardy as you can see new growth appearing already.
  4. N

    plant-care Greenhouse choices just posted about my greenhouse
  5. N

    Growing in the Pacific NorthWest Community GrowLog

    Here is a few photos of the greenhouse i built about ten years ago. I dug 6 ft down and built block walls. It is filled with gravel with perforated tubes which flow thru. The front side has a plenum wall about a foot away. There is a tube which draws air from top of greenhouse thru the plenum...
  6. N

    Nice to be here

    Intro. Been gardening in Oregon for 40 years. Growing some Grafted peppers for a few years . Making hot sauce for 15. Growing legal herb for a while too! Been doing long term ferments with 5% in ground peppers for years. Store in fridge after a few weeks. Can last a year or more. Doing short...