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  1. johnwilliamhunter

    johnwilliamhunter 2021-2022

    Hi again, my computer has been out of action so I hadn't updated, and my camera flash failed so excuse the crappy photos. The Jalapeno plants got pretty big, they fell over and I had to tie them up again, I've been eating them green, mostly bbq'd, they're pretty hot, just starting to get a few...
  2. johnwilliamhunter

    indoor-growing Fungus :(

    I'd also think it's probably a saphrophytic fungi, that is it just wants to eat the media not the plants. Options to avoid it could be to use a fungicide, or to let the suface of the media dry out.
  3. johnwilliamhunter

    johnwilliamhunter 2021-2022

    Yes it is cool :), I've had the odd plant grow like that in the past but I don't remember ever having almost all of them do it. I'm curious if it's more of a genetic or environmental thing.
  4. johnwilliamhunter

    johnwilliamhunter 2021-2022

    Now the Cayennes are also growing three branches, maybe it's the liquid seaweed I've been adding to the fertiliser!? I potted on 6, they're all tall thin stems so far. And planted the other 6, well here's 4 of them after 2 thunderstorms watered them in :).
  5. johnwilliamhunter

    show-off What hot sauce are you using right now?

    I have been enjoying this, label says 'very hot', Birdseye & Habanero, ingredients reveal Chilli (29%) (Birdseye [1%], Habanero [1%]), it's not very hot but it's well balanced with sugar, tomato, vinegar, onion, apple, garlic, salt, and it's quite delicious.
  6. johnwilliamhunter

    johnwilliamhunter 2021-2022

    So these 'Jalapenos' turned out not to be Jalapenos... the six seedlings I got from a nursary. This looks like a 'Bell Pepper' right? These look more like Jalapenos :), the first two I got from a supermarket. Seedlings getting a bit screwed up in the heat in those little pots, I think...
  7. johnwilliamhunter

    heat What is it like to actually eat a Carolina Reaper?

    Brave enough or drunk enough? I think I was the latter, it was like waahhhHHHHHHH, pass me another beer! Just like a regular Habanero but alot more intense :). These guys probably describe it better, if you havn't seen this.
  8. johnwilliamhunter

    issue My seedlings are wilting. What's going on?

    The tips of the leaves dying, it's probably that they're not able to keep themselves hydrated, it's quite possibly like CaneDog said about overwatering and transpiration. It also looks like those plants have dropped some leaves already?
  9. johnwilliamhunter

    johnwilliamhunter 2021-2022

    Jalapeno flowering. Caysans planted, setting fruit, and providing a home for a little Mantis. Cayennes potted on and dealing with the hot dry wind today. Seedling progress. Youngest seedlings potted on. And a Kookaburra supervising :).
  10. johnwilliamhunter

    issue My seedlings are wilting. What's going on?

    Yes, I'd try removing the cover.
  11. johnwilliamhunter

    issue My seedlings are wilting. What's going on?

    Hi, it looks like the cotyledons (seed leaves) are still developing, it might be that the humidity and/or lack of air flow under the clear cover could cause them to curl down a bit like that, especially if the media is very moist, but they don't look so bad :).
  12. johnwilliamhunter

    yield Flowering stems keep falling off

    Hello from down in Vic, lots of things can cause flower drop so it's hard to say, especially early in the season. Temperature swings are also a common cause, down in Vic it's usually the cold nights but I assume it's staying warmer up in NSW. Chinense varieties can be fussy in my experience...
  13. johnwilliamhunter

    johnwilliamhunter 2021-2022

    Thank you @PaulG, I'll be happy to share our warm weather :).
  14. johnwilliamhunter

    johnwilliamhunter 2021-2022

    Hello all, I feel like this will be embarrasing but what the hell :). Caysan flower, actually two from the first branching node. My two oldest, Jalapenos in the ground and have been in a war with the slugs. Another two Jalapenos in 300mm pots, and another 4 in 175mm pots. What's...
  15. johnwilliamhunter

    soil-media Jiffy pellet to what soil mixture.

    A few reasons, because compost doesn't maintain a good structure in a container, it can compact and hold too much water reducing the oxygen available to the roots, it requires microbes to break it down into elements the plant can use, which it's difficult to maintain a good environment for in a...
  16. johnwilliamhunter

    soil-media Jiffy pellet to what soil mixture.

    The Freedom Farms premium potting soil is aimed at 'organic' growing. You'll have to decide if you want an organic mix like that, which in my opinion is complicated in a container, or a true soilless mix, which in my opinion is much simpler. It's true that worm castings won't burn a plant, but...
  17. johnwilliamhunter

    labels-artwork Label feedback

    I like the ghost, reaper, and dragon images :). I agree with what The Hot Pepper said about something like the dragon standing out more with the others, but I'm not a graphic designer either.
  18. johnwilliamhunter

    soil-media Jiffy pellet to what soil mixture.

    Hi. You can wait for roots to emerge, but you don't have to, in my experience it doesn't make much difference either way. Is the "potting mix" composted pine bark? (like it is in Australia), or else what is in that? I assume you're planting them into a container? The idea of the "soil...
  19. johnwilliamhunter

    misc What's everyone growing in 2021

    Cool, Melbourne is a bit better for Peppers than where I am, only 100km away but it gets colder, hotter, and drier here. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one in the southern hemisphere germinating seeds so late :).
  20. johnwilliamhunter

    misc What's everyone growing in 2021

    If they're growing before new years I'd say it counts :), and some of my plants for this season are still seedlings, man you guys start early, I'm going to have to get an indoor setup to keep up :).