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  1. Trickster

    Who's up for a gusher challenge?

    Pure Crazy :crazy:
  2. Trickster

    Hi Everyone from NEPA!

    :welcome: I see you found the site, lots of great people and awesome tips. Take a look at my grow list, I have these and a few others.                     Talk to you soon Rick
  3. Trickster

    Pallet Tech Projects

    Just thought I add a little more info.
  4. Trickster

    Bumps on jalapeño pod?

    Genetic Warts 
  5. Trickster

    Crashed clam shells

    Just wondering if anyone using these? I have not seen any posts on this. I had a couple of small clam bakes at the house and kept  the shells and crushed them the next day and added them to the compost, anyone else doing this? Benefits? Thoughts?
  6. Trickster

    bottling How do you fill a 5 oz. woozy bottle?

    Thanks everyone for your responses, I was thinking of just using a funnel but thought it would get air locked and fill to slow. I'll try the funnel method since I'm only doing a small batch maybe 6 or 8 bottles, Thanks again for all the ideas.  
  7. Trickster

    bottling How do you fill a 5 oz. woozy bottle?

    What are some of the ways to fill these tiny 5oz. bottles? I'm stumped :banghead:  :banghead:
  8. Trickster

    soil-media Soils and Ferts

    All I could find was Neptune's Harvest Crab Shell 2-3-0 at my Local Agway (farm and garden center) the Hydro store wanted almost $6.00 more for the same thing.
  9. Trickster

    Drying Peppers, making Pepper Powder...

    Last year was the fist year for making powder and it came out great. First I smoked them after cutting the peppers in half with cherry wood @ 175 deg., for 1 1/2 hours then into my cheapie dehydrator, I don't remember for how long and used a vintage hand coffee grinder this took for ever, with a...
  10. Trickster

    soil-media Soils and Ferts

    I didn't know that, thanks for the info. Now I'm on the hunt to find some. :D
  11. Trickster

    soil-media Soils and Ferts

    I have used Espoma Tomato Tone with good results, have not used Alfalfa or Crab Meal I'll have to give it a try if I can find it.
  12. Trickster

    Good start buddy, have fun with this site and your grow...

    Good start buddy, have fun with this site and your grow. Rick
  13. Trickster

    seeds-germination Seedling issues

    Jessee beat me to this one, This same thing happened to me last year, I moved the light up a couple of inches and corrected the problem.  It did go away as the plant matured.  
  14. Trickster

    soil-media Soils and Ferts

    Well your going to get many different opinions I'm sure more people will comment on this. Here is what I do, in my pots I use my homemade compost/peat moss/perlite will add worm castings when my worm farm has produced enough. then I will start a schedule one week fish emulsion, then kelp the...
  15. Trickster

    soil-media Soils and Ferts

    1/3 Compost, 1/3 Peatmoss, 1/3 Perlite is what I use in my pots, I'll even throw in some worm castings when I have them.
  16. Trickster

    soil-media Soils and Ferts

    You must be spying on me!  This is what I do. Every year my landfill gives away compost that is tested by the DEC and it's good stuff. I use fish, kelp and homemade compost tea, not all at once, weekly rotation.
  17. Trickster

    Now you can say I'm 25 twice.

    Now you can say I'm 25 twice.
  18. Trickster

    Dragon49's 2014 Grow Log

    Hope you have a great grow year. I'm also from NY and fighting these cold temps and low germination rates of the seeds I bought, the ones I bought from Home Depot have been 90-100%. Transplanting some seedlings this weekend and starting another 72 cell tray. Last year I had a very good one. 
  19. Trickster

    Just started my first Tea brew...

    I use the same recipe, to water all of my garden in the summer, sometimes I leave out the worm castings and use rain water, I have two five gallon pails both with duel large air stones. Going to switch to a 20 gallon setup this spring. I never used it on my seedlings I might give it a try. 
  20. Trickster

    seeds-germination Win seeds ((( FINAL WINNER ! )))

    Congratulations SichuaneseFoodFan :dance: