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  1. Ozarkrocker

    Prostrate Cancer and Capsicum

    Wow I thought you would have to eat way more than that, but with a Bhut, Naga, Scorp 7Pot ect. being about 3 to 10 times hotter than a hab, just a couple of those a week and I'm good to go! Great thread Nat!
  2. Ozarkrocker

    Eating AJ's Superhots

    Ya know I couldn't tell you the hottest, but the Scorpion was the worst on my stomach. The next day after I ate it, right before I go to work, let's just say it was pretty close to what you said JayT. Worst chile experience I have ever had. Good luck JayT, keep that milk in, it helps the...
  3. Ozarkrocker

    Last Harvest Blues............

    Yeah just had the last for me too, yours looks good if ya ask me :shocked:
  4. Ozarkrocker

    chinense Scorpions ancestors of jolokias?

    Ya know most Chinense's and chile's for that matter originated from the Caribbean region, so I'm for the Naga's and Bhut's being a distant hybrid cousin to the Scorps and 7 Pots. Also scientists have found C.Frutescens genes in the Naga's and Bhut's, wich I thought to be a highly popular family...
  5. Ozarkrocker

    chinense 7pot & Scorpion pics

    The weather ain't bad now, for the last couple of days it's been in the 70's, but a little while back it was dipping into the 30's. PS. Yeah the avatar is a bit funky ;) :shocked:
  6. Ozarkrocker

    chinense 7pot & Scorpion pics

    I do agree, but it's starting to frost here (dang it), so I had to bring some of the plants indoors and do a little harvesting, but I do have some that are ripening a bit more. I will try and get some fully ripe pics in here. Thanks.
  7. Ozarkrocker

    chinense 7pot & Scorpion pics

    Here's some more pics also, The 7Pot is in the top right, my largest Scorp on the top left, 2 Nagas bottom left and a Caribbean Red. Here's the size of it in my hand. Here's another shot from the side, also the color never got deep red.
  8. Ozarkrocker

    chinense 7pot & Scorpion pics

    Well I went ahead and tried the 7Pot, it was hard to tell, but it was just as hot if not hotter than the Naga and Scorp, but lasted way longer! Tasted great too, like a mild Hab taste, not too bitter. The heat came on slow, and got hotter and hotter, it was crazy dude. A whole one of these...
  9. Ozarkrocker

    Eating AJ's Superhots

    The Scorp that I had kicked the hell out of my throat just like the Naga, exept worse. It's funny though, you explained the 7 Pot just like it feels dude, awesome freakin' job my friend!!!:D Keep it up iron stomach! PS.The bathroom trips are the worst part if you ask me.:P
  10. Ozarkrocker

    chinense 7pot & Scorpion pics

    Thanks guys for all the replys! I went ahead and did a chile test, so I'll go ahead and post it as soon as I get it all togther! It was damn HOT!;)
  11. Ozarkrocker

    7 Pod skin porn..

    Dude, all those are feakin wicked lookin! Damn, a golfball sized 7Pot! Awesome job guys!
  12. Ozarkrocker

    chinense 7pot & Scorpion pics

    Whoa, 500 seeds! Right on, both are totally awesome chiles. Good luck with those mate, and you might want to put up some sort sign to declare the area a biohazzard, because they are wicked hot! hahaha:lol:
  13. Ozarkrocker

    chinense 7pot & Scorpion pics

    Here are the Scorpions I hope you liked um'
  14. Ozarkrocker

    chinense 7pot & Scorpion pics

    Hey guys I thought I would share some cool pics with ya', I used my cell phone for the pictures, so they are not the best, but there are some pretty cool shot. I think the Scorps are pretty darn close to the 7Pots in genetics, just check out some of these. Sorry if the photos are too big, just...
  15. Ozarkrocker

    Superhot Flavor

    So far... Trinidad Scorpions tops for heat, but Nagas are right there with better flavor. I freakin' love the Scorps, but the Naga does taste better. Soon, Bhut's, Scotch bonnet's and 7 Pots, but next season Douglahs and Fatalii's. As for Hab's, so for there's nothing that taste much better than...
  16. Ozarkrocker

    chinense Bih & bhut questions

    Hey Natgreenmeds, I would love to try one of those peppers :P hahaha. Yeah, I do agree that the DNA testing needs to be done, they may be the same pepper. Here's what I think till then, 1.Bhut & Bih Jolokia -Same chile 2. NagaMorich & Dorset Naga- The Morich is the smaller version of the Bhut...
  17. Ozarkrocker

    Confused Again

    From what I have heard the Congos are quite a bit bigger and hotter. I got some seeds from a guy that said they grew huge and hot, also the shape looks Congo.
  18. Ozarkrocker

    I think I figured out what I have been growing.

    I agree, that looks like C.Chinense, because of leaves and that there looks like (but I can't confirm) more than one flower per node.
  19. Ozarkrocker

    pod 7pod and Scorpion, which is which?

    There are many strains of 7pot, and I found with the sorpions I grow, that there are strains of them too. I found a thread where trinihottie was talking about the many different types (strains) of 7pot chiles (something like 5?). It's almost like, if a 7Pot has a tail, it's a Scorpion, but they...
  20. Ozarkrocker

    Hot Chocolate

    Two words talas, Bad ass!