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  1. M

    fermenting Keep brine in sauce after ferment?

    Thanks! Seems obvious in hindsight. I guess I was concerned about the saltiness as you mentioned, CM. And it would allow more of a blank slate for varying the thickness, I guess.   Another curiosity, if you run your sauce through a mill and are left with some dry strained mash, any uses for it?
  2. M

    fermenting Keep brine in sauce after ferment?

    As the title suggests...what would be the pros and cons of draining off the fermenting brine prior to cooking your sauce?  
  3. M

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    Hey all, I've been lurking here long and hard for a while now, soaking up your knowledge. I have been making successful sauces and one successful batch of ferment (with a sourdough starter kick). Now I have two batches on the go. The first has been going just over a month, is just reds and some...