01-10-08 Pepper Porn

Red Savinas ready for transplant...notice the roots in the cups

Little Elf Peppers starting to turn colors

cut back orange hab flowering...

First Marble Pepper

01-28-08 First Orange Hab Flower Open

After I finished planting this evening, I looked at the plants I have growing, gave them a good drink of grow-juice, used neem oil for aphid preventative measure, and found my first Orange Hab flower of 2008. It is a stunning flower. Once I get fruit set, how long until I will have ripe peppers?

Red Savinas really growing now...

Little Elf's blooming to beat the band. Gave two plants away for christmas presents...by the way, I ate one Saturday and yes, they are definitely hot...more on the order of a tepin/pequin.

Congrats AJ on the hab flower, now let's hope it does its thang. Your plants look like the middle of spring, all green and blooms everywhere. I would say it takes much longer for a fruit to ripen in the winter because of the low light conditions but you seem to have replicated summer pretty well. I have an orange hab that has been hanging on my plant green for 3 months, finally turning orange. Summer fruits ripen very quick, a couple weeks maybe.
rainbowberry said:
Great pictures AJ, it looks like your plants are holding their flowers nicely. Sometimes mine fall off like confetti.

Thanks RB...I am having a lot of blossom drop too...just they are blooming their little butts off. I think since I moved them to the bigger grow box with more light, they are not dropping as much.
First Orange Habanero for 2008 appears

I am excited...I now have a baby habanero growing on the orange hab I cutback 15 December 2008....
Are you going to keep the hab growing? I cut all the pods off my overwintered plants(except ornamentals) until spring or else they use up most of the plant's energy and the plants won't grow much
I was going to let this one go on its own merit and produce what it can. I have about 8 or 9 other orange habs that are seedlings right now so I will have plenty when they start producing....I plan on keeping this plant inside the grow box most of the time and trying to keep it alive as many years as it will live. Will probably have to transplant to a 5 gallon container later this year. The base of the stem is getting huge...almost 1 inch now...
Thanks Tite...I just have the time to spend with my plants and projects is all...We have no children around (kids and grandson, (soon to be grandson's) live in Chicago), and the wife loves her television shows which I get bored with so it leaves me a lot of time to piddle....wife says I have a PhD in Piddlin'...only other hobby I have is playing in our band (we play somewhere between 80-100 gigs a year) and it is our slow time now....