08 Febuary 2008 Fridays Project

I'm serious. it's not about the time you spent (it was a lot of time, though), or the amount of work (even though it was a large amount). you just did a fantastic job.
Making me blush Omri...It means a lot for you to say that my friend.
I really enjoy reading about your projects AJ, but it has gotten to a point where I am feeling like a really bad parent to all my little one because I don't provide like you. I agree with Omri that you did a fantastic job with the wasted shelving in your garage. Next year you can be the new Cross Country Nursery and everyone here at THP will order their plant from you. Time to expand your workforce and hire some south of the border transplanters. You can bring them back to pick the harvest too.:lol:
Thanks PRF...

This is part of my retirement planning/preparation (18 months today).

I like the way Stillmanz does it down under...has his shop where he makes his hot sauces and grows peppers right there too...now that is cool.

I have thought about opening an "Extreme Hot Sauce/Peppers" store here in Fort Worth but I just don't know what the market would be. I would expect it to be fairly large with the population dynamics we have here, but I just don't know...
Well if you'll do shipping, there's nothing to worry about.
That's one of the benefits of living in a huge place like the US. :)
One Final Post on This Thread

Decided to put a couple of pics up of the seedlings after transplant in their new home....couldn't resist the two others..

seedlings in their new home...

And the prettiest seedlings I have....I love the purple leaves..

And this last one I could really not resist...I was looking at the seedlings in the germination trays and this one caught my eye...it was like he was waving his arms "saying...help me, help me..."...so I did...I call him the Angry Anaheim...

Dedo De Moca leaves are pretty....

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I really enjoy reading about your projects AJ, but it has gotten to a point where I am feeling like a really bad parent to all my little one because I don't provide like you.

it makes me feel like i did when i was five or so and would insist on dressing myself and my mom and i would walk together, her in her nice suits all put together and me with my pants on backwards and a dress over that with mismatched shoes...good times.
~150 seedlings transplanted (Planting Date 27-28 Juanuary 2008)

I have finished the first phase of transplanting.

Here is a pic of the seedlings in the 9 oz cups.

I wish I had the dedication, I'm slowly getting there (too many distractions) but you got a state of the art set up there and the seedling to fill it.... you going to be a "texan pepper baron" when they all come on.
Thanks Stillz...I still have about another 150 to transplant but I am going to let them get a little bigger in their 72 cell trays first....probably next week sometime. I am wanting to get away from fluorescent lighting in my grow box and replace them with Metal Halide and HPS lamps, but I don't want to spend $500 for lights right now. Hopefully by this coming November before the first freeze, I will be able to get the lights I want. Then I can start my hybrid experimentation, plus I hope to have fresh peppers year round.

May be a Pepper Pauper if I don't quit spending money on this hobby...
Growing year round always sounds great until you get aphids or mites. I'm so frustrated with the aphids that I'm about ready to give up and raise the white flag.
Growing year round always sounds great until you get aphids or mites. I'm so frustrated with the aphids that I'm about ready to give up and raise the white flag.

That is exactly why I started the Neem Oil usage as a preventative meassure...we will see how well it does...so far, I have only had aphids once and that was back in November...since I killed them, I have had no problems (knock on wood)...I remember what you all said about the buildup of the oil on the plants and instead of using it once a week, I decided to cut it back to once a month....matter of fact, it is almost time for another application.
I've been using neem for years and it helps but certainly is no cure-all. Aphids seem to become resistant to everything you hit them with and even the ladybugs are only so effective indoors. Hopefully with your warmer climate AJ, you'll have more natural predators and never have the problems I'm having. I can't wait till its warm enough to hit the plant with the garden hose but that's months away for me.
Thanks for the heads up on the "aphid resistance" to Neem...I didn't know that...I can always revert back to my "harsh chemical warfare"...just hope I don't have to any time soon...are you still having issues with the aphids?
AlabamaJack said:
Thanks for the heads up on the "aphid resistance" to Neem...I didn't know that...I can always revert back to my "harsh chemical warfare"...just hope I don't have to any time soon...are you still having issues with the aphids?

You know, soapy water or orchard oils work, too. You can also use yellow sticky traps, or get some kind of yellow plastic container and fill it with water. Some people swear by dusting the plant with diatomaceous earth, too, but be sure not to inhale it.
AlabamaJack said:
Thanks for the heads up on the "aphid resistance" to Neem...I didn't know that...I can always revert back to my "harsh chemical warfare"...just hope I don't have to any time soon...are you still having issues with the aphids?

I'll be having aphid issues until June but I'll never use "harsh chemical warfare"
Pam said:
You know, soapy water or orchard oils work, too. You can also use yellow sticky traps, or get some kind of yellow plastic container and fill it with water. Some people swear by dusting the plant with diatomaceous earth, too, but be sure not to inhale it.

You know, I have not tried the soapy water thing yet...is that for prevention of treatment of infestation?...

Would regular old fly strips (stick tape) work ?

I had forgotten about DE...I use that around the foundation of my house as termite prevention...

I'll be having aphid issues until June but I'll never use "harsh chemical warfare"

I have only had to revert to "harsh chemical warfare" one time so far...just hope it doesn't get that bad again...
Pam said:
You know, soapy water or orchard oils work, too. You can also use yellow sticky traps, or get some kind of yellow plastic container and fill it with water. Some people swear by dusting the plant with diatomaceous earth, too, but be sure not to inhale it.

do you think spraying the transplanted seedlings with a mild soapy solution would work as a preventative measure ? I can sprinkle some DE on top of the soil but I hate messin with that stuff...

An aphid infestation would absolutely kill me right now and I am scared to death that is going to happen.....