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1.5mil hot sauce not satisfying enough!

I think people think me and my friend are crazy. He bought carolina reaper hot sauce and we found it to not be hot at all, i would say we eat it like barbecue sauce. So he bought moruga scorpion hot sauce. I told my friend to go back to the store he got the carolina reaper sauce and tell the guy it was not hot and that you want pepper extract. And so he did and and my friend said the guy looked at him like he was crazy and asked him if he has been to the doctors recently lol!
Ive eaten a raw ghost pepper, Ive had ghost pepper wings to. And ghost pepper/carolina reaper chili. Nothing yet. I don't think i can eat anymore raw peppers though because the ghost pepper ripped my stomach up it still hurts alittle from a few months ago. I know there is a lot of pepper extracts. But does anyone have any recommendations on sauces and extracts to try?
     I've never tried it, but Texas Creek's Pure Evil is supposed to be the best. It's marketed as not being an extract, which evidently gives it a purer flavor than extracts. I'm not sure how that works, though. If it's not an "extract", how is the capsaicin "extracted" from the peppers? Either way, all reviews I've seen have been favorable and I think it's like 10 million SHU, if I'm not mistaken.
Yep get some Pure evil. It will fix yer wagon. And it doesn't have that funky metallic flavor like traditional extract. I have the 7.6 mil. If the P.E. doesn't light you up there is no hope for ya.
Oh yeah, well I once fought 35 men, all wielding bats, sticks and knives, and one of them was Chuck Norris and three of them had nun-chucks - everyone said how tough Chuck Norris was but I knocked him cold in one punch from my off-hand. Not even a punch, more of a jab, really. 
Video of you eating raw Bhuts and not reacting please and thank you. 
++ What THP said!  Just because a sauce contains the world hottest chile doesn't mean it'll fry your face.  I make sauces containing bhuts and the hottest sauce is about a 5-6/10 for hardcore chileheads.
Chile Extract is a whole other animal that a lot of sauce makers use to jack up the heat.  Extract does not help with the flavor of the sauce and many people report stomach discomfort from eating sauces containing extract.  It's often listed on labels as-
chile extract
pepper oleoresin
pepper extract
and many other "wordings" often containing "oleoresin"
Have Fun in your Quest for HEAT!
@dash2-  Pure Evil is made using a100% pure (16 million SHU) refined capsaicinoid powder, not motor oil colored pepper extract.  The powder is crystalline white.  I can't speak to the process of how the capsaicinoids are refined, that's proprietary to the manufacturer.  Each batch comes with a certificate of analysis that lists the percentage of  the different capsaicinoids.  Capsaicin is one of about 25 different capsaicinoid compounds.  Capsaicin is usually the most prominent compound, so they all kind of get lumped together and called "capsaicin". 
For others reading this- Pure Evil is a capsaicin solution at 1.5mil SHU or 9.6mil SHU.  It is not a "sauce".  It is meant to be added to other food/sauces/drinks/baked goods.  There are some other SHU levels that people have, different things that were offered at different times. 

OH!  one other thing- this is again to reiterate that just because something contains 1.5mil Pure Evil...such as when a dropper of Pure Evil is added to a bowl of chili....the chili is not now 1.5mil SHU.  The 1.5mil is diluted by the chili so the resulting soup may be....5000 SHU?...  I dunno....  but that's the basically how Scoville Heat Units work.   