1.serious season -trial&error - or maybe Hit&run!

Just some photos of some of my babies - sown through December, due to impatience and winterblues :cool:

Also pictures of overwintering Habaneros and Fataliis - they seems to get along just fine....

The seedlings soil looks a little on the dry side - but bottom of the growbags feels moist :-)

They've only had a little xtra light from CFL-bulbs, they are kept in a pretty cool room to prevent legginess (some of them did get legy though :( ....but they might be fine when they get buried till their elbows, when it's time to get them in bigger pots :)

All comments and advice are more than welcome - live to learn!






Fingers crossed that the picture-thing is working!

Sorry for the pretty poor picturequality...just getting to know my new camera!
Very nice looking seedling and quite a variety, looks like your going to have some fun!

Never tried to bury a pepper plant that deep, let us know how that goes.

Cheers, SC

P.S. I wonder if those stem nubs will sprout roots?
Thank you Spicy Chicken - I will tell about the 'elbowing' :)

More pictures - these are plants from november, growing well....


Rocotos - searching for more light


And my driveway still covered in snow :( no signs of spring....
Very nice looking seedling and quite a variety, looks like your going to have some fun!

Never tried to bury a pepper plant that deep, let us know how that goes.

Cheers, SC

P.S. I wonder if those stem nubs will sprout roots?

I hope they will, right now there are a lot of new leafgrowing going on, but my plan is to put them into big pots, and actually almost cover them stem in soil.... sounds ok?
Ah what the heck give it a go, whats the worst that can happen.

I have buried my plants deeper then the sucker leaves before with no issues,

I'm sure there will be a few more opinions on this matter. and I'm interested to here them.
Everything looks good in my opinion. Most of your seedlings in the bags don't look leggy to

me. I would guess that the overwintered plants will continue to sprout new growth from the

stems before spring comes. They look better than my overwintered plants do. Your plan sounds

good and you should have a great year. :)
Thank you Richoso12 & Muskymojo!

Think I will follow my plan, and see how it works out. If anything goes wrong, a lesson learned for next season! But to be honest, I will cry if any of them dies :rolleyes:

ATM I'm reading about fertilizing; wow that's 'an issue' :shocked:
Thank you Richoso12 & Muskymojo!

Think I will follow my plan, and see how it works out. If anything goes wrong, a lesson learned for next season! But to be hones, I will cry if any of them dies :rolleyes:

ATM I'm reading about fertilizing; wow that's 'an issue' :shocked:

You don't need to get real fancy when it comes to fertilizer. Compost, composted manure and some bone meal is all I ever use with good results. And it's all organic! :)
You don't need to get real fancy when it comes to fertilizer. Compost, composted manure and some bone meal is all I ever use with good results. And it's all organic! :)

That will be the way to go - organic most of the way! Gonna find some horses and rabbits :cool:
Everything looks good to me JSNI,

Plants look nice and healty. Looks like your going to have a great season. :onfire:

Thanks a lot Madhatter :-)

Hope I will have a great season, watching them grow, flowering and 'podding'!

Think I am in love with this little fellow. Plant seems to some what 'duplicate' itself, splitting and making two main stems...

More to come! Another batch germinating on my heated bathroom floor - a great propagator :)
Thank you Brian :)

This is my Black Pearl........not so black it seems!
Sowed in the middel of November, it is 11 cm high, and the growth is very dense. I think it's beautiful, but hope it will be more black/purple when the tp. and light level rises?!

Maybe I have to go into the Bonchi-growing business..... the amount of indoor space decreasing rapidly, after repotting to 2L pots :eek:

Is it time for adding some fertilizer now? They might have a slight tone of yellow....



Come spring, come new growhouse......please
Few days ago, I transplanted my overwintered Fataliis to bigger pots. Now most of the laeves have almost 'rolled' themselves together, curling downwards!

Can anyone tell me why they are doing that? Have I done something wrong and is there anything I can do to 'uncurl' them?

Or do they just need time to get used to the new environment? :mope:


Hi Again!

the plants look like they have great color, there maybe quite a number of things that will curl leaves!

One of the most common is to much ferts, the older plant are hardened from age so there response to over ferts is leaf curl as apposed to a young tender plant burnt leaves, that doesn't mean the older plant won't have burnt leaves, you give any plant way to much and they will burn up of coarse.

another is over watering, the soil in the pics looks quite moist, common knowledge dictates that you make sure the plants have plenty of water during the transformation of transplantation, but when it comes to pepper plant anything in excess hurts not help, ferts are obviously dissolved by water and the plant will have no choice but to suck it up,

There are other things like viruses, diseases and aphids check the underside for bugs, sometimes you have to look really close, plus others,

Have you had any smokers touching your plants?

My guess (and thats all it is) is over water or over ferts or the combination of both.

I can not tell you what to do, but if they where mine i would lay off the water unless I see the shoulders dropping,

For what its worth, take care. SC