1.serious season -trial&error - or maybe Hit&run!

Thank you Spicy Chicken!

And maybe the problem is overwatering, the pots still seems pretty heavy. Like you say; I thought my plants need plenty of water during transplantation, also to get the roots to let go of the old pot. So I soaked them 'a bit' :oops:
the soil in the new pots, also contains a small amount of fertilizer, so this combination is likely to have caused the curling?!

No one dares to touch my plants - no kids, no cats, no smokers :D

I will lay off the water for a while, provide them some sunlight, cross fingers and hope they recover!
Pinched my first flowerbuds yesterday, I hated it... but someone has to do the dirty job :cool: Some say pinch other says don't pinch, so now I run a little test - one of my 'Ring of fire' did get pinched, the other is left un-pinched.

Come to realize that I really DO love repotting, so I spend Sunday afternoon outside with my plants and some new pots.....


Thanks for asking Chileaddict.

they are slowly recovering and uncurling, now I'm sure that the leaf curl was caused by overwatering. I need to be more carefull and go easy with the water. In fact there was a few other plants showing signs of water suffocation :oops:

Here is the Fatalii today...

More plants in their new pots.....


That little Aribibi fellow in number 2 pot (from below) is making new leaves/branches, between the stem and the leaves :woohoo:

thanks Brian :-)

sweet, sloooow growth it is...still waiting for tp to rise above 7 degrees Celcius :rolleyes:

I want to emigrate to a varm and sunny place!
Not really a plant-update (they are growing slow, but steady) just more of a happiness outburst! Yesterday my greenhouse arrived, and after a long day.... TADAAAAA! Here it is :woohoo:

And the stones in front of the house is not supposed to stay that way :rofl: it was just my attempt to make it easier to get the wheelbarrow to the greenhouse door.....

:) I really love my new 'house', and look forward to fill it with pepperplants!

The season here in Denmark is not long, nor warm enough, for growing outside. I think some pepper species will be fine in garden beds, and I will try to plant a few - maybe Rocotos/Manzanos, am I right that they are a little more cold tolerant?
Check you out!!!

Haven't been here at your post for a while, WOW

You are taking this to a whole new level, nice I'm impressed!

Hard work pays off ten fold.

Keep us up to date, Cheers, Spicy Chicken.
Thanks SC:-)

Hope hard works pays off....my back and my arms hurt, I almost cut of a finger handling the glass(almost :lol: )but i love it! These days I am cleaning the greenhouse, pure pleasure!
I'm sure you are right & thanks Chileaddict :)

Trying to learn how to 'read' my plants, but I might need some help or advice.....

At the picture the leaves on the Morouga tend to point/seek down, same pattern on a lot of my Chinenses. And it seems like it is getting worse at night/when it is dark?! Could this be lack of water? The top soil feels moist (might be because I don't bottom water?) Or is it normal behavoir due to lack of light?
I am having 'issues' with the watering part :oops:

And the Rocoto is growing like crazy! But the stem is still pretty thin, and need support to keep the plant from falling over...is there anything I can do? More light/fertilizer/or?

pointing down I have found with low light as they seek the light like a solar panel, thin stem needs a fan or wind to get stronger.
Thanks Brian!

So I don't have to worry about the pointing down thing! what you wrote made sense...they are searching for light!

I will try to provide some wind - with a small fan, and see if that can help strengthening the stem!
Don't over complicate the growing of plants they need very little help to grow, with that said your plants look great good job.most of the time when crul the plant could use a little calcium. make your own cook up egg shells till black cover with white vinegar 7 to 10 days shells will be soft drain and keep liquid to mix into water at a rate of 1 tabls to 1 gal of water the soaking in vinegar makes it water soluable plants use up fast.
When the plants wilt at night there " sleeping" ( goole it)
Thanks for the advice HawaiiAl!

I will try the eggshell-vinegar. And let the plants 'sleep' at night :-)