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10-month-old Reaper

Finally, after months of watching this plant drop every single flower it put out, she's starting to put out a few pods! Originally put these seeds in Jiffy Pellets in October. All my plants were growing indoors until the start of July, when I moved into a house that has a yard (and a garden). I transplanted everything into a garden box and a couple planters, and they are loving the sun! Fingers crossed that these mature and I can finally melt my own face off!  :fireball:  :dance:  :rofl:
Started my seeds in early February, Reapers probably sprouted mid-March, transplanted late May. So yes, about five months.
I have pods on all my Reapers.
Me too.  Sowed seeds in late January, hardened off late May, and one is now a really nice looking bush with a few buds.  No pods yet, but hey, what do you expect when you live in an igloo and play with polar bears up here........
I'm curious if it's just a picky plant and wanted better conditions, or whether they normally take longer than most to fruit?
mine have been dropping flowers like crazy from the cooler temperatures at night here.  I think it's about time to get some to start setting though.  I started in February.
Good to know I'm not the only one, now I dont feel so bad.  My 3 are putting on loads of flowers, drop the petals, start to show signs of fruit, then fall off.  I was starting to think its the central Texas heat.
My OW reaper plants are setting pods nicely, along with flower drop. We finally had a spell of 80+ days and 65-70 nights and humid and they set up pods then.
  I started all my super hots December 26th last year. My reaper plants are about 7 months old. I have lots of pods and have harvested 3 or 4 ripe pods, with several more ready anytime. Here's a pod I picked the other day. They are HOT!.
Started my grow last spring and finally got some peppers growing. Would of last fall but deer got to my plant...    ut it sure looks good now, i might have bacteria growing on afew leaves. not forsure yet if thats what it is..  Anyways.

5 month old here and no pods yet. I don't think. I haven't been able to spend much "quality" time out in my garden in the last week or so. I did walk the Reaper row yesterday looking for blooms or pods.
I started some reapers from seed last February (2013). They grew up really nice but never produced fruit, dug them up from the garden last fall and transferred the strongest one into a 5 gal bucket. Kept it barely alive over the winter and transferred it outside in April and I've been pulling off 5 or so ripe fruits a week for the last month. It has been well worth the wait.
degenerate said:
Ok, JutsFL, I'll admit I'm a little jealous :P
Nice plants!
Uh yeah me too! I planted a couple reaper seeds and one germinated, and it has grown out, but I'm fairly certain it cross w\ a yellow or orange baccatum, as they ripen to orange and are shape like a fat aji lemon they are sweet and fruity,delicious and decently hot, but they taste like a bacatum until you hit the placenta at the top then the have a distinctive chinenses taste, they are great peppers the bush is loaded w/ quick ripening pods and I will definitely save seeds and grow again, but I have yet to taste a reaper pod! :(
I was only give three seeds from a friend back in Jan....one of them germinated. Seven months later after almost loosing it to illness its back and has two pods. I'm optimistic.