Kato's 10/10 Hot Sauce
I can't find the thread where I asked for opinions on a sauce for our 10th year and a person said try 10 different chiles and we've came up with it. It will be Trinidad Scorpions, 7-Pod, Bhut Joalika, Fatalii,Scotch Bonnets, Red Habanero, Datil,Yellow Habanero, Naga pc-1, Naga Morich plus Papaya, pineapple, Banana,oranges and no vinegar we are using vitiman C ( asorbic Acid)as our acid.
The name refers to 10 different chiles and our 10th year of making sauce it should be really warm.
So if we can find the thread or the person that first suggested using 10 different chiles they will receive a bottle of the 10/10 Hot Sauce plus a Kato 6 pack.
This new sauce won't be available till after January 2008 which will mark our 10th year. 1998 - 2008 this sauce will be a limited edition and should become valuable.
Thanks for everyones ideas.