101.9 fm

I am SO bad at posting things a good amount of time prior to them happening... this time it's not last minute, its hours later! Sorry for those that are interested,.. I will work on this..

Today Johnny and I went to 101.9 fm (NYC) for an "iron chef" contest. We didn't win the contest but we had a great time! Check out the pics and there is also a video of it if you can find it!!

(This aired around 9:15 today, 7/22/10)

Matt Pinfield, Leslie Fram, guest judge Michael Symon, heres pix- http://www.1019rxp.com/PhotoPages/Photos.aspx?AlbumID=105726 -- theres 44 photos- hit next and flip through em!

Can you guess which dish was ours? ha


xox Nicole
ooo I dont remember what everyone else made, sorry! We had stuffed cherry hot's.. the stuffing was jerk chicken and cream cheese medly