Besides starting off with a incorretly quoted saying of Bengi Franklin, and the oddness of #5 with the abw (don't know where they heard that one), it's a good list.
12 most common beer myths
12 most common beer myths
Sickmont said:I know for a fact number 8 is 100% grade "A" bullshit because thats how myself and ALL of my drinking friends roll....and have been for 20 or so years now.
LUCKYDOG said:What about drinking alot of beer will give you boobies.... or is that touch the boobies? I love boobies
Ya, that's the one myth that says you'll get fat by drinking beer. It's the lazieness that causes you to get fat/bigger boobies.rainbowberry said:I drink a lot of beer and I'm not massive, pert, but not at all large. I bet the stupid rule only works for men, what a bummer.
Sickmont said:Although, like Chuk said, i believe #4 to be true. If it wasn't, then why does it taste like piss?
imaguitargod said:Ya, that's the one myth that says you'll get fat by drinking beer. It's the lazieness that causes you to get fat/bigger boobies.
I have my own way of trying to get boobies that I am working on right's called working out.
Txclosetgrower said:It tastes like piss for 2 reasons:
1) It's just a generally shitty beer to begin with, that only sells because high school/college kids think drinking corona makes you cool.
2) Even if it didn't blow balls, it would by the time you get to drink it. This is because it is packaged in a clear bottle. The reason beers are shipped in dark bottles is that light causes adverse reactions within the beer, resulting in "skunking" or a skunked beer.
When Light Meets Beer (read this):
Sickmont said:Oh, i'm keenly aware of number 2.....i'm a big fan of Kalik and Carib and i have to be anal about freshness dates because they're packaged in clear bottles as well.
Txclosetgrower said:I cant confirm the veracity of this statement, but i've always heard that it only takes a couple minutes or hour of light to skunk a beer. It just generally seems like lack of caring on the brewer's part to continue to use clear glass despite this fact.
American micro brew is AMZING!!! Macro that's sex in a canoe... Although, if it was offered, I'd totally do it in a canoe.MrArboc said:Old one, but does anyone know why american beer is like sex in a canoe?
Nonono, they get smaller if you do alot of working out that focuses on the chest area. Your safe RB.....have I mentioned we've only seen face shots of you yet? There's no long shots.rainbowberry said:I'm lazy but I'm still not that big, surely if I worked out I'd just gain muscle, not nice bouncing boobies?
*please don't tell me I'll get bigger by working out, that would be my worst nightmare*
imaguitargod said:American micro brew is AMZING!!! Macro that's sex in a canoe... Although, if it was offered, I'd totally do it in a canoe.