$15 for 5 Bih seeds

I found my way onto remiers site when I was searching about different varieties. I wasn't going to buy anything because I know better from all I've heard but looked around a bit and saw they were selling 5 bih seeds for $15.:shocked: Thay worst part is is that they would probably turn out to be bell peppers.
Same price for Bhut, Naga Morich and Dorsets as well.

Now I'm curius about exactly what chillilover hoped to learn at Reimers! ;)
MrArboc said:
Same price for Bhut, Naga Morich and Dorsets as well.

Now I'm curius about exactly what chillilover hoped to learn at Reimers! ;)

I was searching on google about aji pineapple and clicked on the result taking me there. Then once I saw it was remiers just decided to take a peek around.:oops:
I wish they sold all types of Chili seeds here in Thailand. If I can buy them at the garden shop they cost 33 cents Canadian, for 30 or more seeds.

easy to get Ornamentils and some common Thai chili, but thats it...
MrArboc said:
Same price for Bhut, Naga Morich and Dorsets as well.
Not only same price, but same bell pepper seeds :D
Some day I'll post here "Bhut Jolokia" from Tradewindsfruit :hell:
Reimers seems to have seeds to alot of desirable peppers, but they always end up being something else. If you think their site is interesting, half of the pepper seeds on ebay are sold by reimers under 8-10 different user names.
chillilover said:
I was searching on google about aji pineapple and clicked on the result taking me there. Then once I saw it was remiers just decided to take a peek around.:oops:

They are very often be the first or second entries in the search engine when you search any specific plants. That's the only thing they are good at.