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15 Super Hots----1 Week

Great reviews! Sounds like your getting used to em. Wait, next week youll reach for the hotsauce and dump half a bottle on your tacos before you even realize there MAY be something spicy on the plate!

I cant wait to hear more.


Thanks for the encouragement. I'm really getting a kick out of this project and I'm glad that other people are as well. I agree with you that I may well be building a tolerance to capsaicin. I still have plenty of fresh bhuts laying around. Prior to this week I had real difficulty eating one whole. Upon the conclusion of this week I intend to eat a whole large bhut to see how I handle it. It should be interesting.
Chocolate Bhut
For dessert tonight I had a chocolate bhut jolokia. To me the smell of the freshly cut chocolate bhut was indistinguishable from that of the red bhut. Like the Brown 7 Pod the cross sectional cut showed a stark delineation between the darker chocolate outer layer and the creamy interior. Unlike the 7 Pod the darker layer was very thin. The bulk of the pepper was composed of the creamy interior layer.

I found the taste to be very similar to the red bhut. The pepper had a tart citrus like taste. The after taste was slightly bitter. I should mention that the slight bitterness wasn't at all unpleasant. Although I like the taste of the red and chocolate bhut jolokia peppers I'd stop short of calling them delicious. I'd say good but not great.

Now onto heat. I'm embarrassed to say that I kind of wimped out tonight. When I cut the pepper one half ended up being a little bit larger. The larger half contained more placenta. I went with the smaller half. Don't get me wrong, the pepper was quite hot, it just wasn't as hot as I was expecting. At no time was the heat unmanageable. I'm not sure if that was because:

1) I bitched out and took the soft core route
2) I'm building a tolerance
3) The pepper isn't as hot as its red counterpart

What's the consensus here? I found the chocolate bhut to taste and smell similar to the red. I found the heat to be a bit less intense. How do others feel? Is there a significant difference between the two?
Less placenta does equal less heat, pods vary in heat even from the same plant, and maybe your taste buds are a little toasted by now. :) I find that the browns have a more earthy flavor than the reds.

Maybe your mouth is getting well tempered by now and you need a good dose of lava to flush your palate. Try one of the brown Douglah x Scorps. ;)
Less placenta does equal less heat, pods vary in heat even from the same plant, and maybe your taste buds are a little toasted by now. :) I find that the browns have a more earthy flavor than the reds.

Maybe your mouth is getting well tempered by now and you need a good dose of lava to flush your palate. Try one of the brown Douglah x Scorps. ;)

I think that I may need to do a side by side comparison with a red and a chocolate. As you point out, pods do vary in heat. At least I'll be able to make a more accurate comparison between the samples if I have them within an hour of each other.

I'll try a brown Douglah x Scorp tonight. Should be a blast!
Scorpion Morouga
I really enjoyed this pepper. I'll skip the whole appearance rant and just say that it was a cool/scary looking pod. The pepper smelled sweet and fruity. One thing that I found interesting was that the RELATIVELY mild smell belied the pepper's searing heat.

Others have done a better job explaining the smell common to peppers possessing high concentrations of capsaicin oil. The smell is somewhat acrid and intense. When you inhale it you know that you're in for a wild ride. I definitely picked up on the capsaicin odor but it was slightly muted giving me the false idea that the pepper wouldn't be too hot by super hot standards.

Now as a dis-qualifier I should mention that I ate the seeds on this one as I've decided that I'm getting enough from the 1.5 pods of each in the dehydrator. I'll be eating the seeds of future varieties as well. I'm hoping that the addition of the seeds won't overly skew my comparisons.

The heat came on quick. My throat wasn't too bad off but my entire mouth (excluding my gums) were on fire. Even the roof of my mouth felt like it was burning. Two minutes in and I was in quite a bit of discomfort. At the 3 minute mark I started drinking cold water. The heat started moving back towards my throat. I'm not sure whether or not that was some kind of natural progression or whether it was due to the water. I started to majorly sweat.

The next 5 minutes were rather unpleasant. At the 8 minute mark the pain started to subside a bit. By 10 minutes I was still feeling the burn but the pain was no longer unpleasant. By the 15 minute mark my mouth, throat and chest felt slightly warm but the pain was gone. Well, maybe there was still an ever so slight bit in my mouth.

Backing up a bit, the pepper had a robust sweet fruity taste. There was definitely a citrus like element to it. I didn't think that the taste was all that dissimilar to that of the Butch T. This was an excellent pepper, a fantastic combination of rich delicious taste and raw heat.
Douglah x Scorpion ------ Brown
This pepper was positively BRUTAL. This was a huge, heavy pepper. I cut it open and saw an oily thick mass of placenta and seeds. The only odor I could detect was capsaicin oil. I procrastinated for a good couple minutes before putting it in my mouth. The pepper was thick and meaty. It required some legitimate effort to finish chewing it and to actually swallow it.

The heat hit me immediately. All I really tasted was capsaicin. I'm not really sure what other flavors were present. I didn't make it to minute 2 before I started gulping milk. My lips, entire mouth and throat were in agony. Tears were pouring out of my eyes and my nose was running heavily. At some point (4-5min?) I started gargling with olive oil.

I hadn't eaten in 3-4 hours and my stomach wasn't feeling good. Hell, it still isn't feeling good. After 15 minutes I no longer had that panicky "What in the blue f@#% did you do to yourself you f@#%ing idiot?!!" feeling. It took around 20 minutes for me to feel relatively OK although my stomach still hurt.

It's difficult for me to compare the heat of this pepper to that of the Butch T as the Butch T is much smaller and has a far lower density. I would be very curious to weigh out an equal amount of this and the Butch T so as to do a more accurate comparison.

I'd definitely like to grow this strain next year. I'm not sure what I'd do with the pods as I still don't really know how they taste and I'm sure not going to eat them raw. There's just something cool about growing a massive pod that can cripple a grown man.

Has anyone here consumed a whole pod, seeds and all? Are there any videos of someone doing this?
BeagleStorm is an absolute beast! First off, if I tried to eat half the pepper one small bite after the next after the next there is no way I would have been able to finish. Second, he spoke in a controlled, articulate manner all the way through the video. I absolutely lost it. BeagleStorm, my hat is off to you.

Obviously I can only draw on a sample size of 1 when doing comparisons. With that said, I found the Brown 7 to be very manageable. Looking at the unconsumed half of each I believe that the two pods (Brown 7 and Douglah x Scorp ---- Brown) were of a similar size. The Brown 7 that I sampled was hot but manageable. The brown Douglah x Scorpion blew my head off.

I'm not sure what's hotter, the Butch T or this particular hybrid on a gram for gram basis. I can easily say that this hybrid would blow the Butch T out of the water in a pod for pod comparison. If I had some friends over egging me on I'd definitely eat a whole Butch T. I'd need to be paid a fair bit of money to eat a whole brown Douglah x Scorpion.
Now this is one delicious pepper. It was absolutely bursting with flavor. This pepper doesn't look nearly as scary as the others. Sometimes looks can be deceiving but in this case they're not. The pepper has less of that acrid capsaicin smell that's common to the majority of the peppers that I've sampled this week.

The Fatali smelled like a citrussy red bell pepper. It tasted that way too. The flavor was so good that I ate the whole pepper (not that they're that large). This was the most mild super hot that I've yet to sample. Don't get me wrong, it was hot enough to get me to break a sweat. If I gave this to my wife she would have first freaked out and then kicked me out of the house for days on end.

This is another variety that I plan on growing next year. This is right up there taste-wise with the scorpions. It may not be nuclear hot but it certainly packs a kick.
SS's Douglah x Scorpion Brown was in the top 3 I have ever had for heat. As you discovered, once they get this hot it is really hard to say one way or the other. Your senses are overloaded and you just wait for the pain to subside. For me the Scorpions heat is so hard to compare to the 7's and Douglah's. They don't seem as hot or hurt as much as 7's do, but they leave my mouth feeling completely numb. The 7's hurt a lot more but rarely give me that numb feeling in the mouth.
Great reviews, and I am definitely blown away. I know that feeling of oh Sh**t I wasnt expecting this! LOL. I got it from a Douglah X with something I am not totally sure of. But anyways, it is crazy how hot those Douglah and their crosses compared to others.

How many you got left now? I look forward to reading more.
Beaglestorm: How does the Douglah compare to the brown Douglah x Scorpion hybrid? I've had my throat feel sore and slightly numb on different occasions. I've never had any pronounced or prolonged numbness in my mouth. It's really odd how the burn of one pepper can be so different from the burn of another. Do peppers vary in terms of specific capsaicinoid concentrations? Is that what causes the markedly varied physiological responses brought on by consumption?

Buddy: Thanks for the praise. I'm glad that you're enjoying my reviews.

MGOLD86: I couldn't agree more. That 1/2 Douglah hybrid that I consumed yesterday was probably my 2nd most intense capsaicin experience to date. My most intense was when I consumed a fair bit of 5M extract. I'd be damn curious to know what kind of scoville rating that brown Douglah x Scorpion cross would get were it to be measured.

Tonight I consumed pepper number 8. I'm over half way done with 7 left to go. As a heads up, this next review will be pretty boring.
Bih Jolokia
So today I was a little gun shy as yesterday was kind of a kick in the balls. If I'm to go through all 15 peppers in a week I'll need a 3 pepper day. I probably should have done the Fatali and the Bih as part of my 3 pepper day. We'll see if I end up going for a large and hot thirds. I'll probably wimp out but we'll see.

Anyways, enough rambling. The Bih Jolokia is a rather small pepper, not terribly imposing. The interior of this particular pod consisted of a surprisingly high percentage of placenta and seeds. With that said, the interior didn't really look all that oily. The smell wasn't particularly strong. It smelled tart and there was some other scent that I just couldn't quite discern. I asked my wife to take a whiff and she said that "it smells like a pepper".

The Bih tasted pretty much how it smelled. The taste was fairly mild and it was somewhat tart. As far as heat is concerned I'd say that it was roughly on par with the Fatali. It was hot but certainly not overwhelming. Unlike the Fatali it lacked the robust delicious taste. There's nothing at all wrong with this pepper, I just found it a little nondescript. I probably wouldn't grow it but if someone offered me a pound of fresh Bih Jolokia peppers I'd certainly accept them and find a use for them.

After today's quasi-break I plan to hit it hard tomorrow. I'm definitely going to sample the Douglah and I'll probably follow it up with the SR 7. Thanks to everyone for following along as well as the encouragement.
I did something so incredibly, unbelievably stupid. I hadn't eaten in nearly 6 hours and I decided to sample the pepper. I can't even begin to describe how ill I felt but I'll get to that in a minute.

When I cut the pod open I spent a roughly a minute smelling it. The pod had that acrid capsaicin smell that I've come to know and love but I couldn't really detect anything else. The inside had a large amount of placenta and the interior was nice and oily. Don't get me wrong, the inside looked scary. When you look inside a Douglah you know that you're in for a wild ride. With that said, it didn't look as scary as the brown Douglah x Scorpion cross. The brown Douglah x Scorpion pod was denser and the interior was just a gnarled oily mass of placenta and seeds.

Anyways, to steal a descriptive from Beaglestorm, the pod tasted like battery acid. Maybe there was a subtle earthy, nutty taste as well but if so it was background. The after taste was pretty bitter. This was the first pod that I've eaten where I can say that I didn't care for the taste.

Initially everything was relatively fine. I could feel the heat in my tongue as well as the entire top portion of my throat. It took a good 3 minutes for the heat to really build. Meanwhile, from the onset I could feel the pepper making its way down towards my stomach. By roughly the 4 minute mark my mouth was ablaze but my focus was more on my stomach. My stomach ached. I lay down but the pain in my stomach was very soon sharp and horrific.

I really didn't want to vomit but I was afraid that it may become a necessity. I crawled to the bathroom and lay on the floor in agony. What started as a decent feeling heat sweat had become a feeling of excessive clammyness. I got on my knees and clutched the toilet thinking that I was going to vomit but didn't.

After what seemed like an eternity I sucked it up and got outside where I lay on the walkway. I had hoped that the cold air would help. It didn't. I made my way back into the house and returned to the bathroom floor where I lay for 20 minutes. I felt like I was in one of the Alien movies. I expected a monster to shoot out of my stomach at any moment. Eventually I took some antacids and that seemed to help.

Miserable, miserable experience and only myself to blame. I hate to say it but I'm not sure if I'm going to eat a second pepper today. That was just too unpleasant.