1st Batch Failed, What To do

stc mentioned it but I want to repeat it. What kind of growing medium are you using? It doesn't look like any seed starting mix I've ever seen. You don't have to use a seed starting mix but you might have more success if you did. Looking at your stuff the seedling will need to either move some serious chunks or grow like a snake to get through it.
Yea Im going to have to Restart all Over, My Last Brain Strain and a Butch T are going in my last 2 Jiffy Pellets and Today Im Hoping to Go Get More Pellets for a Douglah Johna and Yellow 7 Pot, The Only One im worring about is my 1 Brain Strain, If It Doesnt Germinate Im F-D, The Soil I Was Using Before is Just a Garden Soil I had Bought, I should of gotten some Seedling Soil, No Time To Cry More Time Plant my last Batch in some Jiffys, I just dont like how the jiffys dry out too quick
Yea Im going to have to Restart all Over, My Last Brain Strain and a Butch T are going in my last 2 Jiffy Pellets and Today Im Hoping to Go Get More Pellets for a Douglah Johna and Yellow 7 Pot, The Only One im worring about is my 1 Brain Strain, If It Doesnt Germinate Im F-D, The Soil I Was Using Before is Just a Garden Soil I had Bought, I should of gotten some Seedling Soil, No Time To Cry More Time Plant my last Batch in some Jiffys, I just dont like how the jiffys dry out too quick

Put them in one of these or something similar...

With the lid on and they will stay moist.
Mmmmm That looks good, Im gong to get the jiffys and Get me some topper ware too, Just hope they have one with a clear top so i know when its sprouting
If you're on small scale, you can use a powered on modem/router, usb hd, tv receiver,... as a ghetto heat mat.
Some heat really speeds up things.

Good luck

I have some jiffy pellets I don't like using them for the cause they dry too quick

I ran out of jiffy pellets so I recycled the peat into a plastic cup. Then I put a zip lock bag on top to keep the moister in :) . That helps with it not drying out.

Edit: I didn't plan on growing Jamaican red scotch bonnets, but I found some in the store when buying more potting mix for my new seedlings, lol. I'm so glad I found them! That's why I ran out of jiffy pellets, hehe.
Well I just got back from Home depot and got my self more jiffy pellets and some Organic Soil for my other plants, I saw nothing good to use a dome but I shall use a tupper ware or zip baggie
telling you... walmart... baking section... they're two trays for 2.50 or something like that... aluminum and plastic dome... they work great...
I'm using STCs Idea of using a Topper ware its working Great at the moment, its clear on top and bottom so I can see the humidity and pellets inside, such a great idea, love this site always a result at the end of the day.
telling you... walmart... baking section... they're two trays for 2.50 or something like that... aluminum and plastic dome... they work great...

I use those too...but to grow moss for my bonsai. Would also be about perfect for starting pellets.

I'm using STCs Idea of using a Topper ware its working Great at the moment, its clear on top and bottom so I can see the humidity and pellets inside, such a great idea, love this site always a result at the end of the day.

Hey, once they start to pop. I move them to another container same size with the lid off. When they start to get dry just pour water in the container till it no longer soaks it up and don't water again till they're dry again.
This is My Second batch from my last seeds, only 1 seed per variety its seems like its doing better than before so Hopes, and ill take that tip once they start to pop out
I meant to post a pic
Found out the flying bugs larva ate my first batch, second batch doing good, 1 sprout due to the topper ware seeds been isolated from the bugs
Have you tried this >>>>>>>>http://www.homedepot...y&storeId=10051 you can also buy them at Lowe's......
they are dirt cheap like $2 and comes with pellets and dome. Its small enough to place it on top of a satellite receiver, cable box, on top of fridge etc....... Good luck..!!!

I had just got the pellets at Home Depot and didnt see them, should of an should, Im using a topper ware and works well my only question to anyone and everyone is If the Seed Just Germinated should I Take it out of the Dome/Topperware or Leave it for a lil bit longer?
I had just got the pellets at Home Depot and didnt see them, should of an should, Im using a topper ware and works well my only question to anyone and everyone is If the Seed Just Germinated should I Take it out of the Dome/Topperware or Leave it for a lil bit longer?

Take it out and place it in another container without the lid under your lights...like this.

Then just pour some water in the bottom of the container when they start to dry out keep pouring until they no longer soak up the water. Once you get the first set of true leaves established carefully remove the cloth wrapper and plant them in small pots (you can even plant them now if you wish, that is just how I have been doing it)...good luck!
Take it out and place it in another container without the lid under your lights...like this.

Then just pour some water in the bottom of the container when they start to dry out keep pouring until they no longer soak up the water. Once you get the first set of true leaves established carefully remove the cloth wrapper and plant them in small pots (you can even plant them now if you wish, that is just how I have been doing it)...good luck!
Choco habs are the ones I've had the hardest time with this season....

Cooler temps = longer germ times. Some varieties of wild pepper can take several months... So don't give up.

If you are really curious, open one up and look at the seed... you should be able to tell if its ruined or not.

Planting Depth can also be a factor.