Nearly all of the fat was located between the hide and the meat on all of the deer I've ever dressed. I add a little beef fat to the meat I grind for burgers, else it's too dry. For eating you can't beat a one or two year old doe. Yearling bucks are OK, but the older they get the stronger and more gamey the taste and you definitely don't want one that has been running in front of dogs. 
Yes they are prolific and does usually have twins. They are so numerous here the daily limit is one buck and one doe each and every day of the season that runs from around November 22nd to January 31st, while bow season starts October 15th.

Yes they are prolific and does usually have twins. They are so numerous here the daily limit is one buck and one doe each and every day of the season that runs from around November 22nd to January 31st, while bow season starts October 15th.