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1st Stab at Hydro Bhuts

LGHT said:
I just used the 15 min as an example. I've never ran a hydro, aero system so I didn't know what the times should be set to. I'm not really concerned with the drip, mist, fog, option as much as I am concerned with the treatment of the water BEFORE it gets to the plant. It seems like everyone is debating on the best way to apply the water to the plant so it can get enough oxygen from the air, when none of that should matter much IF the water is already heavily oxygenated BEFORE it gets to the plant anyway. It just seems like fixing the water and not the application used to supply the water just makes more since, but I'm all ears as I haven't been able to find much research on that topic.

I added air stones to my water holding tank. Adding air to the water before it got up to the spinners. Things really took off from that point!:)
I have never used c02 for the air before as I have never grown plants indoors out of water, but the c02 injection for underwater plants is like giving a plant steroids even though several air stones where in the tank the addition of c02 made a HUGE difference. Would there be any advantage of adding c02 to a hydro system for plants that don't grow under water is the question. I could setup a c02 for the hydro in a few minutes, but to dose the air itself would require me sealing the room, and buying more equipment. Plus if I did run c02 in the room wouldn't the air cool hood just suck the c02 out of the room through the open side?