1st take on pepper growing

Hello everyone!
Im followng this forum long time,but just registered.
Being a "victim" of too often getting peppers of inconsistent hotness,i decided to give it a try at growing my own.
I made a list,ordered from Semillas and got to business.
List is
Morouga Scorpion
Tried to cover whole spectrum from mild to insane :)
I got additional package from seller,containing random seeds of capsicum chinense family.
I started with some 70 seeds,and along the way,made a selection gave away weaker ones,
so at the end im left with 16 peppers.
Enough talk ,here are the pictures :)


Jalapeno  - no serious 1st attempt at growing without jalapenos :)
Allready eating them and they are excellent.


[SIZE=11pt]Purrira - extraordinary pepper,heat with intense punchy paprika taste.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]My main choice[/SIZE]






Morouga Scorpion - I just wanted to have it  :)
To brag about it and maybe to make a few bets hahaha



Bhut Jolokia


Identified here as a 7pot SR

All of the gang put together
I've put them together despite of cross polinating,because last month over here has just been way too hot.
I feel that the peppers are better off this way in this heat.

White pots are around 6 gallons ,and yellow ones around 3 gallons.
For last,there are two interesting variations
Im soo taking the seeds out and trying next year.
Maybe they will come out normal,but I'll try anyway
I'd really like to have more of these "bomb" Jalapenos

[SIZE=11pt]And this little guy speaks for himself :) :)[/SIZE]

That's it for now
Welcome to THP.                                                    From St. Aug.
Everything looks great!!! Awesome job.  I am not sure... but you may want to consider giving a little dose of a calcium supplement.  I see some leaves that look curled, which is the first symptom.  It may be worth it to do some preemtptive supplementation.  I am just looking out for you... you mat not even have Ca deff.--I have had some problems with BER this year and thats why I am so weary of it.
Noah Yates said:
  I am not sure... but you may want to consider giving a little dose of a calcium supplement.  I see some leaves that look curled, which is the first symptom.  It may be worth it to do some preemtptive supplementation.  I am just looking out for you... you mat not even have Ca deff.
Will do thanks for the advice.
I've been thinking about it for some time,but I just can't move in this heat :)
In two days there is change of weather finally :)
Nice job, they are doing very well for how close together they are.
If you can move them further apart they should catch more sun, grow faster and produce more. 
I doubt those could grow any better than that. Wow. Even the Bhuts look amazing, and its fairly early for them. I am so impressed.
Dave2000 said:
Nice job, they are doing very well for how close together they are.
If you can move them further apart they should catch more sun, grow faster and produce more. 
This is only temporary solution.
I'we put them together just until the heat wave passes (100-115 F ) 
Otherwise every variety is grouped for itself well away from the others.
And the pots are positioned so tehere is no touching between plants.
When it was the time to transplant the peppers into their final size pots,
I decided to test one in less than ideal conditions.
It is unidentified capsicum chinense,and i planted it into clear patch of ground in my garden.
For months it fought the battle with poor soil,drought,aphids and so on.
It showed  a little or no progress but it refused to give in.
So yesterday,I decided to give it a second chance,it deserved it :)
And I promise that I won't gove up on it untill i harvest at least one pod.
And also i want to identify that little resilient bastard :)


Hello,it's me again :)
I started picking my pepers as they ripen.
I should have waited for jalapenos to go red but i just had have some for everyday needs :)
In the mean time i have some fully changed to red.
Purrira's are allready pushing in big numbers and great tasting as well.

What i wanted to ask you is this.
My Morouga and Jolokia pods started to change colour in somewhat confusing way.
I always thought that they change directly to red but pictures say different story



They are getting yellow almost like fatalii does

I believe that the seeds are not crossed in any way because they came from highly recommended seller.
What is it?
Is it normal?
You have beautiful plants. Congrats on that! I agree, can't grow any peppers without a jalapeno! Looking fantastic!
Jamison said:
You have beautiful plants. Congrats on that! I agree, can't grow any peppers without a jalapeno! Looking fantastic!
Its just a whole new ball game.
Every mourning when i want a fresh hot pepper I just have to make
10 steps and pick one.