2 Pure Evil "BestOf" awards


eXtreme Business
Texas Creek's Pure Evil was noted in a couple "Best Of 2012" lists-

ILoveItSpicy's Lenny awards, Best Spicy Products Of 2012-
Innovative Product Of The Year

Scott Roberts "Scotties Awards"
Best Burn Of The Year- "...it's a nice clean heat. It does not have the nasty chemical flavor that chile pepper extract has infamously been known to have..."

Thank you to AL and Scott for using and appreciating Pure Evil as it is intended to be used.

There are many great sauce makers and SOOO many great sauces. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with for 2013!!!
Way to go, Ann! Well-deserved!
Thanks, guys. It's nice to see people (and not just Scott and Al) recognizing Pure Evil as a totally new and unique product.