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2 Questions (Ghost Pepper & Shrooms?)

So I took my Ghost pepper seedling out today to get some sun and i notices a 2nd true leave is on its way after some sunlight, but what I also noticed is that the stem turned a darker Purple and the leaves vanes are a bit purple, anyone know why and is it ok for this to happen?

2nd Question is, Is it safe that my Choc Hab seedling grows next to some volunteer mushrooms, are they bad for the plant and or most important are they Psych? lol not enough for a trip but should i removed them?
What soil is that? just wondering.

I have heard of mushrooms growing in grow media because of wood in the soil. It is not bad if they grow but I would pull them now.

The soil should be so dry they should not be able to grow. Even though it is good to keep seedling wet try to let those pots get really dry untill you water. I wait untill the pot is "paper" light or plants ar almost wilting. Same thing used by Cacti grower.
The stem color change is normal. I've recently transplanted mine, and even before I did, several were already exhibiting the same color change. The first ones I noticed that had that change were 2 weeks ago, and thus far, I've had no ill effects.
What soil is that? just wondering.

I have heard of mushrooms growing in grow media because of wood in the soil. It is not bad if they grow but I would pull them now.

The soil should be so dry they should not be able to grow. Even though it is good to keep seedling wet try to let those pots get really dry untill you water. I wait untill the pot is "paper" light or plants ar almost wilting. Same thing used by Cacti grower.

+1 on watering interval
An hour or two at a time...and watch them. I have had several plants outside for a couple months in a greenhouse. I crack it and give them a little sun every day, and on the hot days the big annuum plants still get a little saggy when the sun hits them. A couple hours...then 3 or 4 hours then half day morning...and then try all day. We are going to have perfect weather for them for the next 3 or 4 days too. You don't have to pull them inside after their sun time you can just place them in the shade for the rest of the day.
The stem is purple telling you it's too moist I think. I've been going under the assumption that purple stems means they are getting too much water. They will be fine. I just back off on watering when I get purple stems. Whether that is true or not, your soil looks too moist.

Edit: The light green can also be an indicator of too much water.
An hour or two at a time...and watch them. I have had several plants outside for a couple months in a greenhouse. I crack it and give them a little sun every day, and on the hot days the big annuum plants still get a little saggy when the sun hits them. A couple hours...then 3 or 4 hours then half day morning...and then try all day. We are going to have perfect weather for them for the next 3 or 4 days too. You don't have to pull them inside after their sun time you can just place them in the shade for the rest of the day.

Shane beat me to it.
Unfortunately I Forgot a Choc Hab seedling last night and it looks like its not going to make it, it got some frost damage, i mean we didnt get frost here in so cal but I guess it was way too cold for the seedling, still kind of up but im sure its not going to make it, but i guess ill keep the seedling inside, all my other plants outside made it perfectly
Pretty sure I'm South of you, and there was ice on my windshield this morning here in Poway. The weather forecast has been jacked all winter. Night before last they called for mid 30's so I covered all my plants and it only got down to 47. Last night they were calling for 46 then before I went to be they changed it to 38...but it was already 38! I covered my in ground plants just to be safe, and there is ice on the cars this morning...all I know is I am glad I didn't plant out last weekend.

Hope your little one makes it brother!
Purple is likely anthocyanin pigment protecting the plant from strong UV rays by giving the plant and/or pods a sort-of purple protective sun-tan
If there is mushrooms growing in your soil, it is too wet and may have other unwanted material in it. Don't skimp on the good soil, its very important for seedlings
The stem is purple telling you it's too moist I think. I've been going under the assumption that purple stems means they are getting too much water. They will be fine. I just back off on watering when I get purple stems. Whether that is true or not, your soil looks too moist.

Edit: The light green can also be an indicator of too much water.
actually, the purple is what amounts to sunburn, it is called anthocyanin, and is the plants reaction to too much sun, it serves to diffuse the UV rays and keeps the continued exposure tosun from damaging the plant
I put my 4 of my 7 pot Jonah's in the sun for a few hours and noticed the purpling of the stems but didn't understand why until now...Thanks guys!!! :)
I have a couple of Bhut Jolokia and Chocloate Habaneros that are doing the same thing. Maybe too much light exposure on them as I'm trying to put to much love on em. Gonna back the light down a bit and see what happens.
Thanks for posting the question Orozconleche and thanks for the answers from everyone!