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pod '20 seed xchange mystery- not fidalga amarillo

Some plants from the last seed exchange are starting to produce well. I ended up with a mystery pepper and would like any input. It was labeled fidalga amarillo, and shared by reddit user janisthorn2. Well, it is clearly not a fidalgo amarillo, as pods are red and not top shaped. The taste is great though, and the medium sized plant is loaded with pods. Fruity, sweet, and pretty hot ~100k shu. I know that chance of a cross is pretty high, but nothing on the growers 2019 list jumps out to me as a likely substitute or strong candidate. So, any body else grow this out and get the same result as me? Or, does it more resemble something else if I made a labeling mistake (unlikely, as I sharpie onto solo cups til plant out)?
Thanks in advance.

U/janisthorn2 2019 varieties
Varieties: Charapon Amarillo, Szegedi 179, Tequila Sunrise, Jimmy Nardello, Liebesapfel, Purple UFO, Fresno, Fidalgo Amarillo, Jemez, Chimayo, Buena Mulata, Giant Szegedi, Japanese Lantern, Bishop's Crown, Aji Pineapple, Brazillian Starfish (Yellow and Red), Sugar Rush Peach

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I would guess a mutation or cross, but no idea with what. You can see the "top" shape vaguely on some of those pods in the 2nd picture.

Definitely a c. chinense with that calyx (cinched/constricted at the base) and flower color (very pale green-yellow).
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