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2007 Pepper grow log

well I'm going crazy not having any plants in the garden/pots outside growing pods right now, I just want ALOT of peppers. so while with my withdrawal of not having peppers producing pods I broke down & bought some more plants to grow :twisted: I'm just glad I have the space & containers for them :lol:
my new addition & LAST
- 2 super F1 chili (dont know if name is correct ?)
- 2 padron (sounds fun playing russian roulette)
- 2 congo trinidad
- 2 orange plum hab (name might be wrong ?)
- 2 thai orange
- 2 cyklon

This thing is now taller than I am. Being in texas, I most likely won't get the first frost of the year til around november/december, meaning I still have a solid 4-5 months of growing season left. Even if it does freeze, it won't be for more than a day at a time and its not unheard of for it to be 85 around christmas time down here. I'm curious how big this thing will get, and how the hell i'm going to be able to support it. It is already out-growing the tallest stakes I can find that aren't 1 inch diameter.

I also have a pepper plant again! Second year pequin I picked up at a local organic nursery. I'm hoping that with it being older and kinda woody/shrubby that maybe the bugs will fuck off and leave this one alone. It came with ripe peppers already on it that I pulled off and have in the cabinet. They are nice and hot, but i've been eating the crap out of them to the astonishment of my friend (who found these plants first and bought one and claimed they are only to be used for cooking).
imaguitargod said:
Lean it up agaist a fence ( near a tree) and hope for the best. lol

Lol, I live in an apartment. I'm probably going to just talk to the people who live above me and see if i can't train it to their balcony railing in exchange for free tomatoes. Or maybe train it horizontally along my railing? Either that or I'm just going to have to bust out the shears and do some serious pruning.
2007 Growing List

Hot Peppers
Bhut Jolokia
Naga Morich
Naga Dorset
Cayenne Long
Peter Pepper Red
Lemon Drop
Hot Lemon
Aji Dulce#1
Trinidad Perfume

Sweet Peppers
Yellow Bell

I think next year I'll do a Hawaiian theme in honor of my old home (Hawaiian, Hawaiian Sweet Hot, Maui Purple). If anyone has seeds to offer/trade, please let me know.
OMG Tx. That tomato plant is HUGE!! And I've got one of those same types in my garden already & 6 seedlings about a week from transplanting. I didn't know they could get that big! WOW!
I am just wondering......will that thing get root bound and stop growing or are mater roots pretty compact? only reason I ask is that pot looks really dinky underneath that monster! well done!
gardenkiller said:
I am just wondering......will that thing get root bound and stop growing or are mater roots pretty compact? only reason I ask is that pot looks really dinky underneath that monster! well done!

If it were growing in soil, you'd be right about becoming rootbound being a problem. However, its growing in coconut coir and essentially is non-recirculating a flood and drain system that I hand-water instead of water with a pump/timer. I feed & water it once ever 48 hours with Hesi Coco & Botanicare Cal-Mag plus til water flows out the bottom, and since it is a hydro medium, being a little rootbound doesn't hurt it, since all the nutrients are delivered via the water directly to the roots. The container size required to sustain a plant grown in coco coir are about 1/2 that you'd need in soil. The only thing is as it gets larger the watering frequency may have to be increased.

Coconut coir is some cool stuff man, used to replace rockwool or hydroton in an automated flood/drain system you could set your pump timer to flood only once every 48 hours instead of several times per day. Also the cation exchange capacity of the coir is such that it is able to hold nutrients in a matrix until the plant needs them, allowing the use of the same nutrient formula through both vegetative growth & flowering/fruiting.
Still in the same little green pot, still getting more monstrous by the day

And my chile pequin is fruiting nicely, approx 30 green peppers and lots more buds/flowers. It has put on quite a bit of vertical & horizontal growth over the past couple weeks.
I grew a sweetie cherry tomato (I think it's the same thing) last winter in hydro.
I had to cut down the sucker every week.
Eventually I had to kill it. It was eating all the nutrients and taking way too much space.
Very nice and tasty tomatoes.

Here's a better picture, i finally got my girlfriend to bring her camera over. I'm 5'9" for reference, so the plant is almost 7'.

From left to right in the picture:

Wood barrel: Sunshine Blue southern lowbush blueberry
Small black pot: baby blue agave i just got finished rooting from a bigger plant
Blue shirt, black shorts: me looking all kinds of sexy
All 3 tan pots: Stevia
Big black pot (hardly visible behind tomato): Chile pequin
I think i'm going to grow another one of those tomatoes this year. I dunno though, it ended up growing down the whole length of that railing in both directions. I miss that porch, it got way better sunlight :(