Shame I didn't meet you there Dr P =( welcome to the club!
Shame I didn't meet you there Dr P =( welcome to the club!
As far as Salsalady, my HUMBLE opinion is not as favorable. Don't get me wrong... her products are TOP-NOTCH. But, I don't know... the BRAND. "Texas Creek" sounds like a solid, middling, $7.99 bottle of wine from Lubbock or the Hill Country that you can buy at every grocery store. If I'm purchasing salsa or hot sauce at my grocery shelf... seems sort of haughty and lacking of punch, I guess it depends upon your scope and goals. I don't mean to offend anyone, just my two cents!!
Not cool at all..... What gives you the right to blast the man for speaking his opinion? This thread is for pics and stories right? That's his story for the show. He didn't blast Salsalady, just said the "brand" didn't stick out to him. I may not agree either, but its his opinion and it need not be blasted by you.Boy, you sure have a lot to say dr. First off who the hell are you? Are you some sort of reviewer?
"you don't mean to offend anyone"? Does that disclaimer give you permission to skewer people? NOT.
You don't get to make comments here in that tone about any ones brand, especially Salsalady's.
Remember the saying, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?
I for one would appreciate it if you would follow it when posting your drivel here at THP.
I'm wearing my Sicman t-shirt... and I hope people are noticing. If I had a "Scoville DeVille" shirt, I would do the same!
One observation of the vendors. Everyone brought a "Ghost chili hottest pepper in the world" sauce and touted it as the IT sauce. All of them either had WAY too much vinegar in it or used extract. Both are huge no-nos to me. The only Ghost sauce that had TASTE of the ghost was SALSALADY's. [no bs or preferential treatment towards a fellow member either] Flavor wins out big with me, so I now have a bottle of her Ghost Fire residing in my fridgeWho'da thunk a WA state sauce would have the real TX heat