It was you said not to take pics of the bad labels,so I just thought is blame it on the wife,haha. Were in Dallas at moment by the way,I can't wait to get home.
Well sicman, if you'd of said YOU had spilled the pickle juice, I'd of let it go, but ain't no way Sonya's gonna get blamed for that.
Glad you're home safe.

Evan and I enjoyed hanging with you and MsSic for the evening. We'll be talkin', fo' sho'
Ringside- you're still on my $#!^& list for not saying "Hi", but it's all good....I'll get over it...I just need to be alone right now....:sniff: (OK just kidding! Just listening to an old "Friends" episode right now.

On a positive note, the product we brought the most of was Pure Evil, and...we SOLD OUT of Pure Evil! We've had all the other products out for sale a different venues, and have been able to get a feel for how much of which variety sells. Pure Evil was first time out at ZestFest. And it sold out.
Here's a few thoughts and observations of the show from a first time vendor's view-
Friday- trade show time seemed a little slow, and I was not sure if everyone was a trade buyer or what. I think there were other people there (FFC judges and other VIPs who have "backstage pass" status). That's good but I wasn't sure who I was supposed to be schmoozing.
Saturday- It was a non-stop flow of consumers (not customers). It wasn't totally wall-to-wall people. But there were 2-3 people waiting to try samples all day.
This is for future vendors who might be reading this thread next year or ~~~
I was not prepared for the number of samplers. From past experiences at farmers markets etc, I had an idea of how much to bring for spoons and crackers. Well, I used up 4 boxes of crackers on Friday, but had lots of sample spoons. Saturday morning, I made the mad-dash to the store for 6 more boxes of crackers. (I'm using saltine crackers, broken in half[or whatever] ) Those were gone by the end of the to the store on Saturday night for 5 more boxes!
OK- 5 boxes of crackers should get us through Sunday...right???? NOT!!! We were out of those crackers by 2:00 Sunday. AwWWWW...%$@*! LUCKILY, the booth next door had someone at the store buying crackers for themselves, and they graciously picked up a couple more boxes of saltines for us. (Thank you Texas Chili Bowl ladies)
Another first time vendor shared the same situation of not having enough sample cups. SO! for future vendors, bring enough sample supplies for every customer to taste every product. My impression is that most festival attendees taste
everything and then buy the
few that they really like. Many of the experienced attendees will use their event brochure to "star" the booths that had products they were interested in, and then they would come back and make their purchases on their last trip around the show.
The show seemed to run smoothly, at least for us. Load ins, and load outs, quick and smooth. Box lunches... a nice touch as I wasn't able to leave the booth most of the weekend. They had some issues with parking due to Mother Nature, (a grass lot they usually used for parking got flooded by the Thursday morning rain storm), so they procurred an alternative parking solution that involved parking in a nearby appartment building parking garage and a shuttle bus back to the venue.
One of the booths were giving away large tote bags, it would be great if the coordinators would supply a Zestfest shopping bag to attendees. I'd pay $2 more on the entry fee if the customers couls have a shopping bag. The biggest thing I heard was that they didn't want to "carry the bottles all the way around the venue" . That could have been code for "I'm interested, but I might find something better", or it could just be that they didn't want to hand carry bottles.
fwiw, I packed the roll of produce bags that we use when selling at farmers markets. .. that was a definite bonus!