2013's Smokey Powders

I have a few tubes of powder for sale. Tubes are 4 inches long. Each is 5-6 grams of powder. The tubes fit nicely in your pocket to take with you.
$5.50 a tube
Here is a pic of a few.

There are available:
7 - Apple Smoked Brain Strain
8 - Apple Smoked Yellow 7Pot
4 - Peach Smoked Trinidad Scorpion Sweets
3 - Pear Smoked Yellow 7Pot
3 - Peach Smoked Bhut Jolokia
Gone - Cherry Smoked Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
2 - Cherry Smoked Barrackpore
New additions as of 12/23
5 - Cherry Smoked Morouga Scorpion
5 - Apple/Cherry Smoked Trinidad Scorpion

Post here and/or PM me with what you would like.

Payment through Paypal.
Free shipping in the 50 U.S. states and it's territories.
International orders will have to cover the shipping.
Though the Trinidad Scorpion Sweets has sweet in the name they are just under the heat of a trinidad scorpion with a little sweetness. The sweetness doesn't really pop in this powder, but it has a great flavor with the peach wood smoke.
  Brian's powders are amazing and he is basically giving them away. Only a fool would turn this down. 
Nice offer!

I really like tube containers. I have been thinking about similar packaging for my local farmers markets. Are they glass or plastic tubes? (Not trying to thread jack, it's more of a BUMP for a great offer!)
Got mine yesterday had to go old school and send the $ out via snail mail
Got me the pear smoked 7-pot and I have only one word to describe it "uww weee" that's some good powder Thanks
Thanks for working with me.
Thank you Brian for this awesome pack and the extras!

Amazing powders! The smoking process adds incredible scent notes, get them before it's too late!