2015 Plant out date

I started putting container plants out this week, well12 so far, and have about 28 more, then 40 in the ground. I'll wait and do those last in case we do get a late frost. Can always bring the pots back in if needed. I did plant one of my overwinters in the ground today.
I'm aiming for the end of May. It's been pretty nice out so I was hopeful to get them out sooner this year but our nighttime temps have been way way too cold still.
Ozzy2001 said:
That's when it hardest to resist. Knowing you will have to carry them in, yet again, and then bring them back out. You think, "it's so close, I'm sure I could just plant a couple". Before you know it, your trays are empty and you're checking the weather every 30 mins scared of frost lol.

I also thought to myself a gardener saying just 1 plant is like a guy saying just the tip
I started a lot of my super hots way to late. Probably wont be ready to plant until middle of May. Plan to go to the nursery to grab some regular green chiles this weekend and start getting them ready to plant May 2
Yeah, I am thinking we are good to go ajdrew.  Yesterday I planted a few tomatoes, some basil, and a couple eggplants.... and I am finished mulching my pepper patch.  I'll be doing the big operation soon.
Well, just when I say that, they update the forecast and it looks like we will be going below 40 on thursday night... BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yikes... forecast for tonight calls for 39 F... possibly dipping to 37 F.... to bring everything in or not to spend the entire day bringing evertything in... that is the question?!
Personally, I subscribe to the old tenet that peppers, especially super hots such as 7-Pots, Scorpions, Bhuts, etc, need night-time temperatures of 50°F + to thrive.
I know the last frost dates are what a lot of people go by, but that only means your plants will not be killed by sub-freezing temperatures.
By the way, we are supposed to have frost tonight.
The first week of June is usually how it goes with the peppers.  Even if the temperatures cooperated better, there are far too many other things going into the garden around that time to push up the date.
All 25 of mine spent their first full day outside today in 1 gallon pots, hoping to have them out for both day and night starting next weekend, so if the weather cooperates I would say mid-May.  A cool morning coupled with a sustained 20mph wind today showed me they are not quite ready to be out full-time.  In a place where routine thunderstorms often have 40-50mph winds accompanying them I am always nervous.  A few years back I planted out early May only to have a storm come through that leveled not only half the plants in the raised beds but also ripped down a 16 foot section of fence.  I took it pretty hard  :shocked:  :drunk:  :(   
I have been working on an A-frame greenhouse design this off-season but only had about half the cash set aside for it this spring, hoping by next year I can have it funded and built and have a little more peace of mind early in the season.  :cool: