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2016 Is Now Under Way!!!!!!!!

obchili said:
Ok. So last night I had planted my plants for 2016. Now just to wait for them to germinate.... I will post varieties a bit later, or this weekend when time permits. I did however back down to 36 plants for this year, due to time requirements. :mope:
36  !    :tear:
Hi all again. Sorry for the delay, but I had some things to attend to lately. I will do my best again to try and get the grow list up by the weekend.
Ok. Now I am officially sick as hell, but want to keep my promise the second time around. So, here I am after dragging my sorry behind to the computer for this. So, sit back and please enjoy.... :)
Here is the list in no particular order, except that of the containers they are planted in.
Early Jalapeno X2
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
7 Pot Burgundy
Jays Peach (unknown which strain)
Chocolate Reaper (I know, but I got it in a trade and they say it is true)
Carolina Reaper
Yellow Brainstrain
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
Yellow Devils Tongue
Brown Moruga (Pepperlover Strain)
Brown Bhut Jolokia
Black Congo
7 Pot White
Peter Pepper X2
Chocolate Habanero
Trinidad Perfume
Purple Cross ( acquired in a seed trade)
Butch T
Jim Nardello
Hungarian Wax
Sweet Banana
Sweet Cayanne
Sweet Scorpion
Bishops Hat
Cherry Hot
Brazillian Starfish
Fish Pepper
Bohimian Goat Pepper
Trinidad Gold
Fatlalii Jijsaw Gourmet
Early California Wonder Bell Pepper

Oh, I have also a few more pellets expanding as I type this. So, I may have more than 36. Oh and I also forgot, I have 2 overwintered in a family members greenhouse.