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2016 Not so big in Texas

Hello Everyone,

I will post some photos here of my grow of Jason's crosses. Got a late start in late Feb. 25 plants total.

I will list the names here eventually. As always there will be additional nature photos.

Thanks for lookin!


Two pics of the last plants out of the gate from early March. I-phone pics

Inside the grow box on the older plants. Colors are weird here from the lights.

Have a great day folks!
Hey, Mike, glad to see you glogging this year.  Plants are looking good.  Mine are all just sprouts at this point, but I have a little more time 'til plant out than you, I think.
oldsalty said:
Looking great my friend!!! Good luck on your grow!! :)
Thank you very much sir, you too!
mpicante said:
Looking good over there!
Thanks for checking it out.  I will do the same.
Chewi said:
Fine plants you have down I-35!
Thanks!  Hows it going up there?  Did I read that you went to ZestFest this year?  I went back in 2009 and would love to go back sometime.  $$
dragonsfire said:
Looking good !
Thanks a bunch!
Sawyer said:
Hey, Mike, glad to see you glogging this year.  Plants are looking good.  Mine are all just sprouts at this point, but I have a little more time 'til plant out than you, I think.
Thanks for helping sway my interest John!  I am always interested in what you have going on.  This year is a fine example!
santis00 said:
What happened to the nature photos? Things are looking good!
Thank you Santis!  I am happy to oblige with pics!
A couple to start if it will let me;
Jason's seeds which arrived early Feb.  I was thinking it was middle Feb.  Hope he does not mind I posted this pic.

Hetaerina americana  American Rubyspot male predation on another damselfy

Same species wheel formation;

I will post more if interested;
Thanks Mike
capsidadburn said:
Thanks!  Hows it going up there?  Did I read that you went to ZestFest this year?  I went back in 2009 and would love to go back sometime.  $$
Yeah, it was a blast this year. Good people, good food...good times. Some of that stuff is just too hot but I sampled it anyway!
WOW Datil x Brown Egg???? There is a hell of a cross!!!! Love to see a picture if there is one around of those bad boys!
Chewi said:
Yeah, it was a blast this year. Good people, good food...good times. Some of that stuff is just too hot but I sampled it anyway!
WOW Datil x Brown Egg???? There is a hell of a cross!!!! Love to see a picture if there is one around of those bad boys!
Sorry, I do not have any knowledge of what these look like.  I do love the uniqueness of flavor and great heat of the Datil, so it is something to look forward to.  I only have one of those going though.  Jason from GA has all the answers. 
I am merely returning the favor of growing out some crosses.  He, and a few others helped me grow out and share the EOB's a few years back.  I am thankful for that and was quite surprised to see it on a couple top five lists from another thread.  I've got 3 EOB  F6's going this year.
I had some survivors from our very mild winter this year.  An older Meyer Lemon has come back, a volunteer Avacado that I potted up a few years back, knowing that it would be too big for my backyard at some point.  Also a Mangosteen came through.  I really do not expect that to do well in our summer heat.  No pic for it yet.


I moved some of my plants to the back porch under a small T8 fixture.  I will let them coast there awhile until hardening off time.

One of the Barrackpore crosses;

One of the Reaper x BBG7 x Pink Tiger crosses

Nerodia rhombifer Diamondback Water Snake

Agraulis vanillae  Gulf Fritillary

Cheers people
dragonsfire said:
Nice pics! thanks :)
Welcome!  Thank you.
Devv said:
Once again, nice pics!
You get the colder weather this last 10 days?
It's been quite a while since late March cold spurts down here. A few at work lost plants due to frost. I ran the wobler sprinklers and beat the frost..
Thanks Scott, yes we did have the same cool days and that same 38° morning that I saw you mention.
I'm sure if I had germinated earlier, I might of had something outside already.
Dolomedes triton  Six-spotted Fishing Spider
Nice fishing spider.  I had a couple of D. tenebrosus in my house last spring after some torrential rains.  Disturbingly large spiders to find on the kitchen and bathroom floors while barefoot.  They were quickly captured and released outside.
Student of Spice said:
Nice pictures, keep them coming.
Sawyer said:
Nice fishing spider.  I had a couple of D. tenebrosus in my house last spring after some torrential rains.  Disturbingly large spiders to find on the kitchen and bathroom floors while barefoot.  They were quickly captured and released outside.
Thanks John!  That species has an interesting abdomen pattern.
A couple weeks back I got this interesting moth.  Texas is the southern tip of its range.  Hopefully you can zoom in on this image to see the orange furry tufts on the leg joints.   Eight-Spotted Forrester  Alypia octomaculata

This is from last summer a Broad-Stripped Forceptail  Aphylla angustifolia

And from last fall a spider species I think I've posted here before.  Peucetia viridans  Green Lynx Spider on Eryngium levenworthi plant.

A male Anax junius  Common Green Darner in flight.

Sawyer said:
Okay, how the heck did you get a picture of a dragonfly in flight?!?
There are times when it is easier to do.  In this instance, a pair were in whats called "Non-contact guarding".  Sometime after mating has happened, the male lets loose of the female and hovers, while the female drops below to some vegetation in water.  This species does both non and contact guarding in which they keep a hold of the female to not allow another male take her and remove his progeny.  This is also called "tandem oviposition". I will post a contact guarding pic of the same species.

Another easier shot is when they are feeding, often they will hover slowly moving forward waiting for prey.  Here is a Dot-Winged Basketail
Epitheca petechialis I got a couple weeks back feeding.  Not quite as nice of shot.

Later Mike