contest 2017 Inaugural Southern Hemisphere Growdown Throwdown Aji Amarillo

Small light in the dark tunnel.
One of my forgotten backup plants started to flower and it looks a bit different.
Still Baccatum, but not as green on the inside of the petals.
Top backup, Bottom notAmarillo

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Checking in with an update. 2 weeks ago these were like umbrellas, with no lower growth and less upper growth. things are definitely taking off now we've had some good weather. The potted Amarillo is really putting out some new growth low down and the in ground one is getting going too.

All of my annuums planted this year are budding now so hopefully the baccatums catch up soon! Not sure if I ever posted a full list of what I'm growing this year (and its changed a little anyway) so heres a quick list;
ethiopian brown berbere
pusa jwala
numex twilight
aji lemon drop
aji pineapple
brazilian starfish
aji calabaza
bishops crown
aji amarillo
aji jobito
orange habanero
Awesome Stuff Jacques.......of your grow list - the only varietal I have in common with you is the Pusa Jwala. I have 2 in the ground (both Super Stars so far) and another 3 in containers. Hugely interesting is that the 2 in the ground are nearly twice as high as the potted plants. All are already budding with a few flowers.....and at least 1 fruit has set. Early days yet......I started germination on 4th August........and the 2 tallest are already 55 and 60cm respectively. Will snap a few pics this afternoon.......
Sorry to hear your Amarillo isn't an Amarillo Jacques. 
How much longer does your season extend? I could send you some seeds, I've still got a few left over. You could also grow them under lights when the weather turns sour, if need be. The 21st June 2018 is still a long way off.
Let me know!
The two main contenders , full of pods ,after receiving all of the TLC for 3 months, are NOT Amarillo , but the back-up plants , lagging far behind ,do show a bit of promise.
Thanx for the offer, but good for now.
All out of space.

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karoo said:
The two main contenders , full of pods ,after receiving all of the TLC for 3 months, are NOT Amarillo , but the back-up plants , lagging far behind ,do show a bit of promise.
Thanx for the offer, but good for now.
All out of space.

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If your backup plants are flowering, but still "lagging far behind" then I'm in some serious strife. :rofl: 
Offer will be there for the rest of the season! ;)
KAOS said:
Nice to see some greenage pics coming through.
Now lets get some poddage pics before christmas.
Keep on growlin guys
Mine seems to keep getting bigger and bigger without actually growing. Kinda annoying, but at least its doing something...
Took a few pictures the other day, so time for a slight dump, but it won't let me put more than one in this post, so this could take some time...
No.1 is now 40cm+

Hopefully continues next post!
Continuing, No. 1 is starting to take off with the side growth.

But the top is much slower...

But its got some good protection!
No. 2 Is going for a different style of growth for some reason

More bushy than No. 1
And a comparison shot.

Plant size appears to be proportional to pot size?
I still haven't decided which one to choose, not that I need to any time soon. I prefer the growth of No. 2, but having No. 1 already throwing buds makes it attractive. I'm planning on putting No. 2 in ground, so No. 1 will probably have a longer season, as its portable and can avoid the frost, which makes it even more attractive, but I could also put No. 2 in a pot if I wanted. And then there's the spare one.... But I think I'm leaning towards No. 1.
Good going everyone!

I have some tiny buds appearing on both the potted and in ground Amarillos in ground is 29cm tall vs 31cm for the potted one. The potted one has a lot more side growth too. No pics of the buds as they're so tiny I couldn't get the camera to focus! Here's some greenage pics though. This warmer weather has really got all my plants going and it's so damn exciting!



Potted side growth

In ground

In ground side growth


And an overall pic of my pepper patch!
Thanks. It was the first thing I did when we moved in here. It was all grassed right up to the rainwater tank originally. The raised beds at the back have tomatoes in them this year and the small centre bed in front of the tank has some cornflowers planted in there. I had good success with cornflowers to attract bees and other pollinators as well as lacewings, hoverflies and ladybugs that stayed on top of aphids, whiteflies etc.
drathag said:
I have some tiny buds appearing on both the potted and in ground Amarillos in ground is 29cm tall vs 31cm for the potted one. The potted one has a lot more side growth too. No pics of the buds as they're so tiny I couldn't get the camera to focus! Here's some greenage pics though. This warmer weather has really got all my plants going and it's so damn exciting!



Potted side growth

In ground

In ground side growth


And an overall pic of my pepper patch!
Very nice drathag, looks like yours is roughly at the same stage as mine.
I feel ya with the bud-picture struggles, I was only able to get a decent shot of them a week or so ago!
We're going to have to put in our all to take down the King of KAOS. ;) :D
Hey, fellas, good to see the southern Aji Amarillo growdown is proceeding apace!
Will try to check in more often as winter is here, now.
Just to bring everybody up to speed.
I ordered some Aji Amarillo seeds to take part in this Growdown and germinated about six seeds.
I chose the two fastest growing plants to love and nurture and spoil with nutes and lights and they turned out to be some kind of Hybrid, which would explain their early growth spurt. I have no problems with those plants and they are really cool looking baccatums , also no problems with the vendor.
So , I turned to my back up plants , neglected for three months and planted with all the other peppers , no special soil or containers , and this is what I've got .
Like Arnie said ," I might be back."
Plant in the tepee trellis.


Great to see you back in the running karoo! Would'nt've been the same without you ;)

Meanwhile, this is an emergency update, as I may have just literally throttled my changes of taking the title.

While inspecting/admiring the plants, I decided I didn't like one of the ties on Amarillo No.1, and prompt set about breaking it so I could retie it to my satisfaction. Rather than go to an grab a pair of scissors, I attempted to break the string with my hands. It worked, but it also throttled, cleanly cutting off the plant just below the first fork - so goodbye main stem and all the buds on it. Fortunately, there are now other branches, and I'm sure they will grow quite well after this brutal topping, and the plant will probably hopefully survive. Unfortunately, I won't look to have fruit until much later in the season, so won't be pulling in the extended harvest period that I will no doubt need to win this thing. Which is a darn shame.

BUT, there's a lot more to this than winning, and every pod is a victory, as said by cantremembertheirnamerightnow. There is still just less than 7 months of the competition remaining, and who knows what will happen in that time? As I write this post, I am already plotting ways in which I can take this thing right up to 21st June 2018.

But yeah, *minor* set back in Blond-land.
