Tent is full... beans are flowering, Cucumbers are now opening female flowers on 3 of the 5 vines, tomato plants are taking over the tent! Many sets of flowers everywhere and 4 more tomatoes growing. Lettuce is not getting the light it wants so it's a slow grow. Baby Spaghetti Squash and Zuchini plants are growing well in Kratky. Everything is doing well!
I did about 2 trash bags full of pruning.. what an eco system. Sad to see mold or fungus in it... attached to some of these tomato stems. However, I found stems trying to grow into other stems.
I could be wrong and they grew because of the humidity.
Small harvest of the kratky black cherry tomatos. Turned the light out in the tent for about 6 hours today to start the ripening process for these tomatos and pulled out the squash and strawberry bareroots I started last week. They look good!
I went in and tossed all the cucumbers. They succumbed to some wilt that had spores... cleaned out the room and it only seemed to affect the cucumbers.
My tomatoes started to come back (: look at this group of flowers!
My patio egg plant is pretty old and still growing well! Two more eggplants growing. Started a gill golden variety and its been a little bit. One fruiting. Started a ton of Lettuce, squash, watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin too!