2017 Pepper Trends ???

What peppers do you think folk will be planting and talking about for next season?  I think the trend for white super hots are going to continue.  I see an interest in odd and unusual peppers in the habanero range.  Now that Puckerbutt is selling Chocolate Bhutlah SM, I think a great many people will be growing it.

I think we are going to see more oranges. Some of these have a great taste that will be perfect for sauce people. BOC is great. Tony's Carbonero and the orange Freeport Scotch Bonnet are also great taste winners.
We are also seeing an up trend for new chocolates. Lots of good ones. Looking forward to trying a Louisiana Creeper. Tom
I bought seeds for the SM...will it live up to the hype? We'll see! I'm going more for flavor and usability next year...too many floral, gross peppers out there. I want to grow varieties that actually make a nice fermented sauce.

I have been looking everywhere for a peach BBG7 but nobody seems to have one :(
BSH said:
I bought seeds for the SM...will it live up to the hype?
I only knew Puckerbutt released it because a patron told me and pointed to their page.  Nothing on the front page  No press release that I can see.  It seems so very odd that there isnt much hype.  The death strain hasnt been released yet and there is more hype from Puckerbutt about it.  So no clue what so ever.

Thing is, not sure it matters if it is the next hottest.  It is a huge ass cool chocolate that a member of THP created himself.  I am not going to buy any from Puckerbutt cause I dont ever want to be accused of breaking their rules.  But I encourage everyone here to support our member by purchasing his Chocolate Bhutlah SM from the Puckerbutt store.
Bubblegum seem to be a bit of a craze, I'm sure by next year just about everything will have been crossed with a bubblegum. Also seeing a huge variety of colours in general lately.