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2019 the year of the Scotch Bonnet

I have more than enough SB seeds now, way more than I have room to grow for, so I decided to create a poll to let you people help me in selecting the most interesting varieties! :)
I'm not going to start my grow just yet, that will have to wait for somewhere in February. That is, if I can wait that long! :D
I want to limit my grow to 10 varieties. I can stretch this to 12 if absolutely neccessary but I prefer not to.
So let me know what you think!
Alright, Marc.  Nice list of bonnets at the end.
Will be interested to see how the TFM turns out for you.
MarcV said:
Do you have any experience with the TFM?
Yes, I grew some out of Trippa's original F1 from a pod
he found in the Trenton(?) Farmer's Market.  I have grown
it out a couple of times with good results.  If my MoA don't
make it this go around, I'll try some of the TFM seeds if I
still have some.  They would be 4th generation. Great pod
shapes and SB flavor.
PaulG said:
Yes, I grew some out of Trippa's original F1 from a pod
he found in the Trenton(?) Farmer's Market.  I have grown
it out a couple of times with good results.  If my MoA don't
make it this go around, I'll try some of the TFM seeds if I
still have some.  They would be 4th generation. Great pod
shapes and SB flavor.
Is the TFM considered a hybrid then?
Marc the bottom three on your list - Allen Boatman, Beth Boyd and Foodarama Yellow are very similar some may say they are the same. Safi and a Chocolate would add colour as you will have seven yellows. TFM and Papa Joes would add another two yellows .... now you can understand why I grow so many bonnets I can never make up my mind

And no TFM is not a hybrid my records show that it was grown out from a pod collected in Lawenceville New Jersey and first mentioned by Potawie November 2008 on the C2C Pepper Forum
I know, choosing is losing...  :rolleyes:
I tried to make up my mind based on the descriptions and reviews I could find, and also a bit because I like the look of orange/yellow pods.
As for taste - I have zero experience with bonnet taste so I can't make up my mind here.
As for heat - a regular bonnet will already be plenty hot for me, no need to go much higher :D
I also prefer to stay away from hybrids, especially when they aren't stabilized yet. I do realize that there are some in the list though :)
I will definitely try to go with 12 varieties. If necessary I'll eliminate the 2 annuums I'm currently growing :D
I would throw out the Alan Boatman and Beth Boyd if they are too similar. I would replace one with the Elysium Oxide, which is of course a (unstabilized?) hybrid but I love the color of the pods it produces. I'm not sure what to replace the other one with yet though, so feel free to make another suggestion ;)
Malarky said:
I think you're really going to miss the SB7J...its got great color, a fantastic shape, and more heat that most if not all of the others on your list. 
I agree with Malarky .... If not Nagabon - No ..... Papa Joes - Yes
Trident chilli said:
And no TFM is not a hybrid my records show that it was grown out from a pod collected in Lawenceville New Jersey and first mentioned by Potawie November 2008 on the C2C Pepper Forum
Hey, John, thanks for the information.  We're going to
have to let Trippa settle this.He sent me the seed in
2012 from a plant he grew from seed that he got from
a pod he bought at the Trenton Farmer's Market in OZ.
He said he called it TFM because of its source.  Here's
a pic of the pods from my first go around with it 2013:

When we discussed the shape of the pods, he sent me a
photo of the pod the seed came from. It had a particularly
nasty long stinger and a nice shape. Unfortunately, I can't
find the pic he sent, I think it must have been in a PM, 
some of which I lost because my quota of saved messages
was full. Hopefully Tristen will see this and post a reply.
PaulG said:
Hey, John, thanks for the information.  We're going to
have to let Trippa settle this.He sent me the seed in
2012 from a plant he grew from seed that he got from
a pod he bought at the Trenton Farmer's Market in OZ.
He said he called it TFM because of its source.  Here's
a pic of the pods from my first go around with it 2013:

When we discussed the shape of the pods, he sent me a
photo of the pod the seed came from. It had a particularly
nasty long stinger and a nice shape. Unfortunately, I can't
find the pic he sent, I think it must have been in a PM, 
some of which I lost because my quota of saved messages
was full. Hopefully Tristen will see this and post a reply.
Stingers or not, those are some nice fruit!