• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2019 the year of the Scotch Bonnet

I have more than enough SB seeds now, way more than I have room to grow for, so I decided to create a poll to let you people help me in selecting the most interesting varieties! :)
I'm not going to start my grow just yet, that will have to wait for somewhere in February. That is, if I can wait that long! :D
I want to limit my grow to 10 varieties. I can stretch this to 12 if absolutely neccessary but I prefer not to.
So let me know what you think!
I hate slugs! Indeed copper tape should work, we also often use this kind of solution:

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Here's a small update picture of my grow...

My grow list has changed somewhat...
- SB Chocolate
- Scotch Brains
- SB Black River Red
- SB Papa Dreadie
- SB7J
- SB Trenton Farmers Market
- SB Cappuccino
Some varieties were eliminated because the seedlings were growing very weakly and I didn't want to start them over. That includes the stuffing SB, which is sad because I was really interested to try it. Also the purple PdN x BMJ gave up for some unclear reason... it stopped growing and wilted...
On a positive note some other interesting varieties were added from seeds I got from Lee via the Scotch Bonnet Pepper Aficionados group on Facebook. These are the...
- SB Falmouth : 4 out of 4 germinated (keeping only one as usual)
- SB Walton Farm (isolated seeds from 2017) : planted 4 of them but only one germinated.
- SB Walton Farm (seeds from 2018) : 4 out of 4 germinated but one very weak. Keeping only one.
This brings my number of plants for this season to 10 :)
I decided to add a couple of annuums to my grow, varieties that I wanted to grow before I switched to all scotch bonnets :
- Mini Piperka
- Orange Pepperoncini
- Yellow Pequin
- Small Thai Orange SSE
All from Refining Fire Chillies except the SSE which is from my own harvest of 2017.
I'm also trying some seeds from a box of dried Thai chillies my daughter bought somewhere. Not sure how authentic these are or what variety it is. They are hot though...
It's been a while since my last post so here's a small update. I have the first flower buds appearing on one of my bonnet plants!  :dance:
It's the black river red... :

Here they are all together. That's right, only 5 bonnet plants left. I'm playing safe here... It may very well be that bonnets are too hot for me or I might not like the taste. So I kept only the ones that I'm really interested in. I gave the remaining plants away to a Mexican colleague at work who wants to grow his own chiles. In the mean time I started some milder annuum varieties.
The ones I kept are the Black River Red, Papa Dreadie, Scotch Brains, Walton Farm 2017 isolated and Falmouth.

The annuums I'm growing are the Cirereta, Small Thai Orange SSE, Mini Piperka, Orange Peperoncini, Yellow Pequin and Jeromin.